Center of Astronomy and Space Sciences - University of California, San Diego
(2015 - 2018)
Paid research position measuring the mass of dust created by the supernova remnant E0102, located in the Small Magellanic Cloud. Project uses the programming language python to focus on background removal and fitting data to a modified black body model. Presented preliminary findings at UC San Diego’s Undergraduate Research Conference. Current weekly meeting with advisor, Dr. Karin Sandstrom. Paper in progress.
Dunlap Summer Institute - University of Toronto, Canada
(2017) Week long training in astronomical instrumentation at the Dunlap institute. Lectures and labs included work in interferometry, adaptive optics including wave-front sensors, x-ray imaging, and optics.
National Radio Astronomy Observatory - Green Bank
(2016) Summer REU program studying the evolution of massive young stellar objects using weak class II
methanol maser emission at 6.7 GHz under Dr. Nichol Cunningham. Reduced raw data from the ATCA radio telescope in Australia using MIRIAD, CASA and python. Co-authored a follow up proposal and presented a poster at the 229 AAS meeting with funding from NRAO and UCSD.
Pathway to Physics - University of California, Riverside
(2014) "Higgs hunting at the Large Hadron Collider" Collaborating with 7 students to develop data analysis skills to identify the decay signatures for Z boson, W boson, and Higgs boson particles. Reconstructed the masses of the decay candidates and searched for signals of new particles using data provided by the Large Hadron Collider at CERN's accelerator complex using HYPATIA. Presented a poster to the UCR physics department.