Great Moments in Astronomy - AST 210 H1

Prof. Stefan Mochnacki

Office: Room AB 127 (NW Cnr., Russell & St.George)
Office hours: I will usually be able to meet after each class. Appointments can be made at that time as well, or via e-mail. My office phone is (416)-978-4165.
TA office hours: TBA. Special sessions will be organized before each test.
E-Mail Policy: The TAs and I aim to reply within 2 working days.
NOTE: Please use this class e-mail address and not our personal ones.
All official correspondence with students from the University goes to students' e-mail address.


The Instructor acknowledges the work of past instructors of this course, especially Professors Marten van Kerkwijk, Christine Clement and Dr. Ian Shelton, and student assistant (now Dr.) Mubdi Rahman.

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