The History and Nature of Astronomical Discovery - AST 210 H1
The final grade in 2014 will be determined as follows:
  • 20%: A 45-min. term test Wed. Oct. 8 [location TBA]
  • 20%: A 45-min. term test Wed. Nov. 12 [location TBA]
  • 10%: 10 (multiple choice) quizzes, posted on Blackboard. (to account for unavoidable absences and the inevitable technical problems, we will base the score on the best 8 quizzes). Quizzes posted every Wednesday evening, starting Wed, Sep. 17, and will be open until midnight on the following Tuesday.
  • 50%: A 3-hour final exam, on all material covered (i.e. cumulative), but with more emphasis on the last third of the course.

The format of the in-class tests and the final exam will be multiple choice questions and short-answer questions.

A student who is unable to write a term test because of illness will be allowed to take a makeup test (oral or written, at the instructor's discretion), provided she/he (i) records her/his absence using the Verification of Student Illness or Injury form, and (ii) notifies us within one week of the missed test, bringing the fillled out form. Any other cause, e.g. bereavement, must be supported with appropriate documentation.

  • On-Line Registration: You must register with UTORid and change your e-mail address at ROSI to a "" one in order to receive class e-mail and to do the quizzes. See the UTORid site.

  • Academic Integrity: The work you do must be your own. Infractions of the academic integrity code will be severely dealt with. Please see: The Faculty of Arts and Science Policy on Academic Integrity.
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