I am a PhD Candidate in the Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics at the University of Toronto working with Dr. Yanqin Wu. My research focuses on modeling the irradiation instability using Athena++ to form gaps and rings that are observed in ALMA discs. I am interested in disks that form planets, as well as the disks we observe around white dwarfs, in order to understand how planets form.
My undergraduate degree is from Quest University Canada where I studied astronomy and physics. My thesis project was titled Follow-up Observations of WASP-36 was advised by Dr. Ian Hoffman. For this project I worked with Dr. Aaron Boley at the University of British Columbia to characterize the University Southern Observatory for transit follow-ups and TTV detections.
When I am not doing astronomy, I enjoy being in the outdoors, tending to my houseplants, and taking care of my dog, Shanty. I am committed to making astronomy accessible and inclusive for diverse audiences.