I am a 1st year graduate student in the Department of Astrophysics and Astronomy at the University of Toronto. Presently, I am working with Professor Diana Valencia on tidal heating of terrestrial planet surfaces.
I am interested in a broad range of topics related to planetary system dynamics, planet formation and protoplanetary discs. Numerical methods such as CFD and NBody simulations appear frequently in my work and I am also interested in analytic/mathematical methods for solving nonlinear problems. In the past, I have worked on problems such as planet migration, impact cratering and dynamically fitting rv signals for planetary systems.
Outside of my research I enjoy teaching and have been a teaching assistant for several physics, math, computer science and astronomy courses. When I am not at work I like to be outdoors, these days I mainly hike and mountain bike but I also like cross country skiing, climbing and kayaking. I also usually commute around Toronto by bike, it is a great way to stay fit while also saving time in your day!
Undergraduate studies in Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship, CITA at U of T - Summer 2018
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship, CPS at UTSC - Summer 2017
CITA Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (Summer 2018)
Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Toronto
CPS Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (Summer 2017)
Center for Planetary Science at UTSC
Aug 13-16 2017: Toronto Meeting on Numerical Methods in Planetary Sciences Presentation Title: High Perforamace Particle Integration on CPU, GPU and MIC Location: Toronto, CAN
Nov 20-24 2017: Workshop on Numerical Simulations of Planet-disc Interactions Presentation Title: Study of Type III Planet Migration with Large Scale NBody and CFD Location: Cuernavaca, MX