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Cluster masses and cosmology
Galaxy Cluster Virial Masses and Omega,
Carlberg et al. 1996, ApJ 462, 32.
Virial M/L ratios of CNOC clusters are very uniform.
Initial measurement of Omega=0.22 using coeval field galaxy measurements.
The Dynamical Equilibrium of Galaxy Clusters,
Carlberg et al. 1997,
ApJL 476, L7.
Separate dynamical analysis of red and blue galaxy subsamples are
consistent with equilibrium in a common potential.
The Average Mass and Light Profile of Galaxy Clusters,
Carlberg et al. 1997,
ApJ 478, 462.
Light traces mass. Correction to virial masses yields
Omega=0.19 +-0.06 (random) +-0.04 (estimated systematic).
The Redshift Evolution of Galaxy Cluster Densities,
Carlberg et al. 1997,
ApJL 479, L19.
From cluster masses, Omega=0.4+- 0.2, sigma8=0.75; or sigma8=0.95 if Omega=0.2.
The Average Mass Profile of Galaxy Clusters,
Carlberg et al. 1997,
ApJL 485, L13.
Mass profiles consistent with Navarro-Frenk-White model.
The Omega_M-Omega_Lambda Dependence of the Apparent Cluster Omega,
Carlberg et al. 1999,
ApJ 516, 522.
Broad constraints from redshift dependences.
X-ray Mass Estimates at z~0.3 for the CNOC Cluster Sample,
Lewis et al. 1999,
ApJ 517, 587.
X-ray masses in excellent agreement with dynamical masses but not as well with
lensing masses; baryon fractions consistent with Omega~0.3.
Velocity Dispersions of CNOC Clusters and the Evolution of the
Cluster Abundance,
Borgani et al. 1999,
ApJ 527, 561
Reanalysis of velocity dispersions agrees with original; constraints on Omega_m
can be made using the redshift evolution of the cluster abundance but are very
sensitive to the adopted value of sigma_8.
The Velocity and Mass Distribution of Clusters of Galaxies
from the CNOC1 Cluster Redshift Survey,
van der Marel et al. 2000,
AJ 119, 2038
Ensemble cluster shows no evidence for velocity dispersion anisotropy
and is well fit by the NFW mass density profile.
Omega baryon via Oort's Method,
Carlberg et al., unpublished.
Omega_b = 0.015-0.019 from the mass of stars and X-ray gas in CNOC clusters.
- See also
"Shape of the Galactic Orbits in the CNOC1 Clusters",
Ramirez, de Souza & Schade 2000,
ApJ 533, 62
Orbital segregation of galaxies is more strongly correlated with
star formation activity than the internal shape of the galaxies.
Galaxy Evolution in Clusters and the Field
Evolution of Cluster and Field Ellipticals at 0.2 < z < 0.6
in the CNOC Cluster Survey,
Schade et al. 1996,
ApJL 464, L63
HST size/luminosity relation for ellipticals shows luminosity evolution
in both cluster and field ellipticals.
Evolution of Galactic Disks in Clusters and the Field at 0.1 < z < 0.6
in the CNOC Survey,
Schade et al. 1996,
ApJL 465, L103
HST size/luminosity relation for disk galaxies shows brightening of disks
with z for both field and cluster galaxies.
Galaxy Evolution in A2390,
Abraham et al. 1996, ApJ 471, 694
Morphological and spectral gradients consistent with a smooth accretion of
galaxies into the cluster accompanied with disk fading of field galaxies.
Close Pairs of Field Galaxies in the CNOC1 Redshift Survey,
Patton et al. 1997,
ApJ 475, 29.
Statistical pair rate ~(1+z)^2.8,
correlations of interacting pairs with strong emission lines.
The Luminosity Function of Field Galaxies in
the CNOC1 Redshift Survey,
Lin et al. 1997,
ApJ 475, 494.
Differential evolution of red and blue galaxies.
The Real Space and Redshift Space Correlation Function at
Redshift z=1/3,
Shepherd et al. 1997,
ApJ 479, 82.
Evidence for evolution in the correlation function to z=0.3.
Star Formation in Cluster Galaxies at 0.2 < z < 0.55,
Balogh et al. 1997,
ApJL, 488, L75.
No evidence for starbursts seen;
gradient in star formation rates from cluster edges to core.
The Dependence of Cluster Galaxy Star Formation Rates
on the Global Environment,
Balogh et al. 1998,
ApJL 504, L75
Cluster galaxy star formation rates and morphologies suggest disk fading of
infalling field galaxies; no evidence for induced star formation upon infall.
Galaxy Evolution in the z=0.4274 Cluster MS1621.5+2640,
Morris et al. 1998,
ApJ 507, 84
Spectral analysis of a complex cluster; no evidence for excess star formation,
combination of gas stripping and gradual slowing of SF suggested.
Differential Galaxy Evolution in Cluster and Field Galaxies at z=0.3,
Balogh et al. 1999,
ApJ 527, 54
Last star formation episode occurred more recently in galaxies farthest from
the cluster center; galaxies with recently truncated star formation not
significantly more common than in the field; no excess of cluster galaxies
which unambiguously starbursted within the last 1 Gyr.
Galaxy Population Properties in the Rich Clusters
MS 0839.8+2938, MS 1224.7+2007, and MS 1231.3+1542,
Hutchings & Edwards 2000,
AJ 119, 1100.
MS0839+29 is compact with no strong radial gradients, and possibly dusty.
MS1224+20 has a low 4000 Angstrom break amplitude. MS1231+15 is asymmetric
and may be a recent merger of two old clusters. Few galaxies in 0839+29 and
1231+15 have ongoing or recently truncated star formation.
- H-alpha Photometry of Abell 2390,
Balogh & Morris 2000, MNRAS 318, 703
Comparison of CNOC1 spectra and H-alpha narrowband imaging of Abell 2390
is consistent with a 'strangulation' model for cluster galaxy evolution,
in which star formation in cluster galaxies is gradually decreased,
and is neither enhanced nor abruptly terminated by the cluster environment.
The Evolution of Population Gradients in Galaxy Clusters:
The Butcher-Oemler Effect and Cluster Infall,
Ellingson, Lin, Yee & Carlberg 2001,
ApJ 547, 609,
Evolution in gradients shows evolution,
suggests decline in cluster infall since z~0.7.
Data and Techniques
The CNOC Cluster Redshift Survey Catalogs I.
Observational Strategy and Data Reduction Techniques,
Yee et al. 1996, ApJS 102, 269
The CNOC Cluster Redshift Survey Catalogs II. Abell 2390,
Yee et al. 1996, ApJS 102, 289
- The CNOC Cluster Redshift Survey Catalogs.
III. MS 1621.5+2640 and MS 0302.7+1658,
Ellingson et al. 1997,
ApJ 113, 1
- The CNOC Cluster Redshift Survey Catalogs.
IV. MS 1358.4+6245 and MS 1008.1-1224,
Yee et al. 1998,
ApJS 116, 211
- The CNOC Cluster Redshift Survey Catalogs.
V. MS 1224.7+2007 and MS 1512.4+3647,
Abraham et al. 1998,
ApJS 116, 231
- The CNOC Cluster Redshift Survey Catalogs.
VI. MS 0015.9+1609 and MS 0451.5-0305,
Ellingson et al. 1998,
ApJS 116, 247
A Protogalaxy at z=2.7 Discovered by Its Young Stellar Spectrum,
Yee et al. 1996, AJ 111, 1783.
Serendipitous discovery of a luminous star forming galaxy at high z.
- Optical-IR Spectral Energy Distribution of the Protogalaxy
Candidate MS 1512-cB58,
Ellingson et al. 1996,
ApJL 466, L71.
Optical/IR colors consistent with a starburst no more than 20 Myr old.
- Constraining the Molecular Gas Reservoir Associated with the Protogalaxy
Candidate MS1512-cB58,
Frayer et al. 1997, AJ 113, 562.
The UV/CO luminosity ratio for cB58 is 20 times larger than typical nearby
starburst galaxies, indicative of low metallicity & an IMF biased toward
massive star formation or an intrinsically high star-formation efficiency.
- H-alpha Imaging of the Candidate Protogalaxy MS 1512-cB58,
Bechtold et al. 1997,
ApJL 477, L29
The H-alpha SFR is 12 times lower than the FUV SFR,
plausibly due to any number of effects.
Star Formation in High Redshift Galaxies,
Bechtold et al. 1998, in
"The Young Universe", p. 241
ISO observations of cB58 show that less than 10% of its mass can be in an
old (2 Gyr) component.
- See also "Lensing Effects on the Protogalaxy Candidate cB58
and Their Implications for the Cosmological Constant",
Hamana et al. 1997,
ApJ 484, 574.
A maximum lensing magnification of about 25 is suggested for cB58.
- See also "The z=2.72 galaxy cB58: a gravitational fold arc lensed by the
cluster MS1512+36",
Seitz et al. 1998,
MNRAS 298, 945. HST imaging shows that cB58 is indeed gravitationally lensed,
with a magnification of about 30.
- See also "The Ultraviolet Spectrum of MS 1512-cB58: An Insight into
Lyman Break Galaxies",
Pettini et al. 2000,
ApJ 528, 96
High S/N spectroscopy suggests a metallicity of 1/4 solar
and shows large-scale 200 km/s outflows totaling ~60 solar masses per year.
- See also "The Rest-Frame Optical Spectrum of MS 1512-cB58",
Teplitz et al. 2000,
ApJL 533, L65
SFR from line strengths is ~4 times lower than from the UV continuum
but oxygen abundance is in better agreement, at 1/3 solar.
Conference Proceedings
Mapping Moderate Redshift Clusters,
Carlberg et al. 1994,
JRASC 88, 39
The CNOC Cluster Redshift Survey:
The Evolution of the Cluster Galaxy Population,
Yee et al. 1995, in
"Fresh views of elliptical galaxies," p. 301
Populations in the z=0.23 Rich Cluster Abell 2390,
Hutchings et al. 1995, in
"Stellar Populations", proceedings of the 164th symposium of the International
Astronomical Union, p. 463
Cluster Galaxy Evolution from the CNOC Survey,
Ellingson et al. 1996, in
"From Stars to Galaxies: The Impact of Stellar Physics on Galaxy Evolution",
p. 590
Omega from the CNOC Cluster Survey,
Carlberg et al. 1996,
JRASC 90, 314
The CNOC Cluster Survey,
Carlberg et al. 1996, in
"The Evolving Universe", p. 135
A Proto-Galaxy Candidate at z=2.72,
Yee et al. 1996, in
"From Stars to Galaxies: The Impact of Stellar Physics on Galaxy Evolution",
p. 592
The CNOC Cluster Survey: Omega, sigma_8, Phi(L,z) Results and
Prospects for Lambda Measurement,
Carlberg et al. 1997,
proceedings of the Ringberg conference
The CNOC Cluster Survey,
Carlberg et al. 1997,
in The Early Universe with the VLT, p. 231
Omega_M and the CNOC Surveys,
Carlberg et al. 1997, to appear in
"Large Scale Structure: Tracks and Traces",
proceedings of the 12th Postdam Cosmology Workshop
Galaxy evolution in the z = 0.4274 cluster MS1621.5+2640,
Hutchings et al. 1998,
JRASC 92, 29
The Omega_M-Omega_Lambda Constraint from CNOC Clusters,
Carlberg et al. 1998, to appear in
"Fundamental Parameters in Cosmology,"
the proceedings of the XXXIIIrd Rencontres de Moriond
Population Gradients in Galaxy Clusters at 0.2 < z < 0.6,
Ellingson et al. 1999, to appear in
"The Hy-Redshift Universe,"
Ongoing and Forthcoming
- ISO and HST observations of cB58,
PIs Bechtold, Ellingson
- HST WFPC2 observations of cluster cores and outskirts,
PI Schade (36 orbits)
- Chandra Observations of CNOC Clusters,
PI Ellingson (105 ksec)
K-band Imaging for a Quasi-Independent Omega_M Measurement,
PI Hall
- Photometric Redshifts and the Infall Region,
PI Ellingson
- Selection and Followup Observations of Candidate AGN
and Spectroscopic Gravitational Lens Candidates,
PI Hall
Refereed Publications
The CNOC2 Field Galaxy Luminosity Function I:
A Description of Luminosity Function Evolution,
Lin et al. 1999,
ApJ 518, 533.
LF evolution depends on galaxy type:
primarily density evolution for the late-SED-type galaxy population and
primarily luminosity evolution for early/intermediate SED types.
The Merger Rate to Redshift One from Kinematic Pairs:
Caltech Faint Galaxy Redshift Survey XI,
Carlberg et al. 2000,
ApJL, 532, L1.
Combining CNOC2 and the CFGRS shows that present day high-luminosity galaxies
have accreted approximately 0.15M* of their mass over the approximately
7 Gyr to redshift one.
The CNOC2 Field Galaxy Redshift Survey
I. The Survey and the Catalog for the CNOC2 0223+00 Patch,
Yee et al. 2000,
ApJS, 129, 475.
Describes the CNOC2 survey techniques and the data for the first of the four patches.
Galaxy Clustering Evolution in the CNOC2 High Luminosity Sample,
Carlberg et al. 2000,
ApJ, 542, 57.
Galaxy correlations evolve weakly, if at all, with redshift from z=0 to z=0.65.
Spectroscopic Gravitational Lens Candidates
in the CNOC2 Field Galaxy Redshift Survey,
Hall et al. 2000,
AJ 120, 1660.
Six CNOC2 galaxies show evidence for lensing of [OII]- or Ly-alpha-emitting
background galaxies.
Read the non-technical description at starstuff.org!
Active Galactic Nuclei in the CNOC2 Field Galaxy Redshift Survey,
Hall et al. 2000,
AJ 120, 2220.
A unique spectroscopically selected sample of AGN shows that conventional color
selected samples are not strongly biased, and that the Baldwin effect for CIV
and Ly-alpha (anticorrelation of equivalent width and continuum luminosity)
may evolve with redshift.
Conference Proceedings
The CNOC2 Field Galaxy Redshift Survey,
Yee et al. 1997, in
"Redshift Surveys in the 21st Century",
proceedings of the 23rd IAU General Assembly
Results on Galaxy Evolution from the CNOC2 Field Galaxy Redshift Survey,
Lin et al. 1998, in
"The Young Universe"
The CNOC2 Redshift Survey,
Carlberg et al. 1998,
presented at the Royal Society Discussion Meeting
"Large Scale Structure in the Universe"
Evolution of Galaxy Correlations,
Carlberg et al. 1998, in
"Wide Field Surveys in Cosmology", p. 143
Evolution of the Galaxy Merger Rate from z=0 to z=0.5,
Patton et al. 1998, in
"Galaxy Dynamics", p. 513
Application of CNOC2 Calibrated Photometric Redshifts to a 6 Square
Degree BVRI Survey,
Lin et al. 1999, to appear in
"Photometric Redshifts and High Redshift Galaxies"
Galaxy Clustering in the CNOC2 Redshift Survey,
Carlberg et al. 1999, to appear in
"The Hy-Redshift Universe"
The Colour Dependence of the Galaxy Correlation Function and
Its Evolution in the CNOC2 Redshift Survey,
Shepherd et al. 1999, to appear in
"Galaxy Clustering at High Redshift"
Merger and Star Formation Rates at Intermediate Redshift,
Carlberg et al. 1999, to appear in
"Galaxy Dynamics: from the Early Universe to the Present"
Mass and mass-to-light ratio of galaxy groups from weak lensing,
Hoekstra et al. 1999, to appear in
"Gravitational Lensing: Recent Progress and Future Goals"
Ongoing and Forthcoming
Weak Lensing Study of Low Mass Galaxy Groups: Implications for Omega_M,
Hoekstra et al. 2001 (ApJL, in press).
Galaxy Groups at Intermediate Redshift,
Carlberg et al. 2001 (ApJ, in press)
The Galaxy Correlation Function in the CNOC2 Redshift Survey:
Dependence on Colour, Luminosity and Redshift,
Shepherd et al. 2001 (ApJ, submitted).
Dynamically Close Galaxy Pairs in the CNOC2 Field Galaxy Redshift
Survey: Evolution in the Galaxy Merger Rate at z<0.5,
Patton et al. 2001 (in preparation).
Properties of Galaxies in Galaxy Groups
in the CNOC2 Field Galaxy Redshift Survey,
Carlberg et al. 2001 (in preparation).
The CNOC2 Field Galaxy Luminosity Function II. ,
Lin et al. 2001 (in preparation).
The CNOC2 Field Galaxy Redshift Survey
II. The Full Catalog,
Yee et al. 2001 (in preparation).
HST WFPC2 Snapshot Survey of CNOC2 Pairs,
PI Patton
IR Imaging of CNOC2 Fields,
PI Lin
Photometric Redshifts in CNOC2 Fields,
PI Yee
H-alpha Observations of CNOC2 Galaxies,
PI Carlberg
Followup Spectroscopy of CNOC2
PI Hall
VLA Observations of CNOC2 Radio Galaxies,
PI Gower
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