
I appreciate the difficulties in getting to the site so I will clear you to show up tomorrow (Friday) sometime between 9 and 5.  Therefore the exact time is not necessary.  I have also indicated that you have items in your office in the Admin Building and in the dome.

When you have a date for the truck rental for the week of 11 August, please let me know and I will make another request to the new owners for you to access the site at that time.


Stefan Mochnacki wrote:
Dear Adrienne, 

I will come to DDO on Friday morning, by bicycle. Later I will come again,
by motorcycle. 

Do I have to tell you at exactly what time I am coming? (That may be
difficult, because I need to come by public transit to Richmond Hill from
downtown, then pick up my bicycle at a residence there before coming to DDO.
Some hours later my motorcycle will be functional and I will need to come
again to pick up more essential items. I do not have access to my car during
business hours!).

I intend to move my stuff out in the week of August 11, with a truck, of
course. I am flying out of Vienna on Thursday, and will be staying on
campus after arrival late Thursday afternoon.




On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 10:44:53AM -0400, Adrienne De Francesco wrote:


It is best for you make arrangements to go in on Friday during normal
business hours.  Subsequent visits need to be during normal business hours
as well.  Please confirm that you have done so and Geoff or I will arrange
for you to be on the property.

Peter Martin wrote: 
Hi Stefan:

I'm on the road and am forwarding your message to Adrienne and Geoff,
hoping they can give you the definitive positive answer.  I understand
there is a new security firm hired by the owner but don't know the

Slavek will be back soon too, on Monday I think.  If there is a new gate
code, he would need it.

Have a good flight.


Hi Peter,

I will be arriving late tomorrow afternoon. Will I be abe to get access to
DDO Thursday evening, or would I have to wait until Friday? What are the
procedures to gain access? I have many everyday items in my office, to which
I need access before I move everything out.




Adrienne De Francesco, MBA, PEng
Assistant Dean and Director
Office of Infrastructure Planning
Faculty of Arts and Science
University of Toronto


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