
eridanus_pbh.utils.sim_utils.make_parser_base(inheritable: bool = False, tstart: amuse.units.quantities.Quantity = quantity<0 Myr>, tstop: amuse.units.quantities.Quantity = quantity<12 Gyr>, tstep: amuse.units.quantities.Quantity = quantity<50 kyr>, tsnap: amuse.units.quantities.Quantity = quantity<10 Myr>, pot_mass: amuse.units.quantities.Quantity = <Quantity 479000000.0 solMass>, pot_a: amuse.units.quantities.Quantity = <Quantity 0.877 kpc>, use_DF: bool = True, dynfric_rmin: amuse.units.quantities.Quantity = quantity<0.05 kpc>, dynfric_tstep: amuse.units.quantities.Quantity = quantity<10 Myr>, sc_mass: Union[amuse.units.quantities.Quantity, NoneType] = None, sc_mass_num: Union[int, NoneType] = None, sc_rhm=quantity<10 parsec>, sc_position=quantity<[0.14, 0.0, 0.0] kpc>, sc_velocity=None, sc_vel_dir=None, sc_evln_func=<class ''>, sc_gravity_func=<class ''>, sc_gravity_kw={}, sc_smoothing_length=quantity<0.1 parsec>, sc_opening_angle=0.6, sc_nwork=8, sc_tstep=quantity<25 kyr>, random=0, logfile=None, verbose=inf, use_threading=True)[source]

Make parser base for Eridanus II simulations.


move to run_simulation

inheritable: bool

whether the parser can be inherited from (default False). if True, sets add_help=False and conflict_hander='resolve'

tstart, tstop, tstepQuantity, optional

the simulation time arguments

tsnapQuantity, optional

snapshot time step

pot_mass, pot_a: Quantity, optional

arguments into potential

use_DFbool, optional

whether to use dynamical friction

dynfric_rminQuantity, optional

the minimum radius of the dynamical friction

dynfric_tstepQuantity, optional

the dynamical friction computation time step

sc_massQuantity or None, optional

the star cluster mass

sc_mass_numQuantity or None, optional

the star cluster number of particles. Can only specify if sc_mass is None.

sc_rhmQuantity, optional

star cluster half-mass radius

sc_pos: Quantity, optional

star cluster position, list of [x, y, z]

sc_velocityQuantity or None, optional

the star cluster velocity, list of [v_x, v_y, v_z]

sc_vel_dirQuantity or None, optional

the star cluster velocity direction, list of [x, y, z]. Can only specify if sc_velocity is None.

sc_evln_funcQuantity, optional

star cluster stellar evolution function

sc_gravity_funcFunctionType, optional
sc_gravity_kwdict, optional
sc_smoothing_lengthQuantity, optional
sc_opening_angleQuantity, optional
sc_nwork: int, optional
sc_tstepQuantity, optional
randomint, optional
verboseint, optional
parser: ArgumentParser

Has the following actions.

Snapshot IO arguments:

  • from_last_snap or from_snap or from_start

Time Settings:

  • tstart

  • tstop

  • tstep

  • tsnap

Eri II Potential:

  • pot_mass

  • pot_a

  • use_DF or (dynfric_rmin, dynfric_tstep)

Star Cluster Arguments:

  • sc_mass or sc_mass_num

  • sc_rhm

  • sc_pos

  • sc_velocity or sc_vel_dir

Star Cluster Evolution:

  • sc_evln_func

Star Cluster Gravity:

  • sc_gravity_func

  • sc_gravity_kw

  • sc_smoothing_length

  • sc_opening_angle

  • sc_nwork

  • sc_tstep
