
eridanus_pbh.scripts.Contenta18.Contenta18.make_noPBH_system(pot_mass: Union[astropy.units.quantity.Quantity, amuse.units.quantities.Quantity] = <Quantity 479000000.0 solMass>, pot_a: Union[astropy.units.quantity.Quantity, amuse.units.quantities.Quantity] = <Quantity 0.877 kpc>, sc_mass: amuse.units.quantities.Quantity = quantity<19000.0 MSun>, sc_rhm: amuse.units.quantities.Quantity = quantity<10 parsec>, sc_position: amuse.units.quantities.Quantity = quantity<[0.14, 0.0, 0.0] kpc>, sc_velocity=None, sc_vel_dir: unit<kms> = [0, 1, 0], sc_evln_func=<class ''>, sc_gravity_func=<class ''>, sc_gravity_kwargs: dict = {}, sc_smoothing_length: amuse.units.quantities.Quantity = quantity<0.1 parsec>, sc_opening_angle: float = 0.6, sc_number_of_workers: int = 8, sc_timestep: amuse.units.quantities.Quantity = quantity<25 kyr>, use_DF: bool = True, DF_rmin: amuse.units.quantities.Quantity = quantity<0.05 kpc>, time=quantity<0 Myr>, random=0, logger=<utilipy.utils.logging._LogPrint.LogPrint object at 0x11ff48390>, verbose=None, save: Union[str, NoneType] = None, use_threading: bool = True)[source]

Make Galaxy System.

DehnenSphericalPotential approximating a coreNFW potential this should match the potential from Contenta2018

use_DF: bool

whether to use Dynamical Friction

save: bool

the folder location where to save all the initial conditions.


galaxy cluster unbound cdf_code