
amuse_util.ic.new_kroupa_mass_distribution(number_of_particles: int, mass_min: unit<MSun> = quantity<0.01 MSun>, mass_max: unit<MSun> = quantity<100.0 MSun>, random: bool = True, \*, m_to_n_tol: float = 1e-07)[source]

Kroupa (2001) mass distribution in SI units with custom minimum mass.

Modified version of amuse.ic.brokenimf.new_kroupa_mass_distribution that allows for a minimum mass, as well as maximum mass The default mass range is [0.01, 0.08, 0.5, 100.0] MSun and power-law exponents of each mass range: [-0.3, -1.3, -2.3]

number_of_particles: int

the number of particles {number_of_particles}

mass_min: float quantity

the minimum mass, will modify the default minimum mass range

mass_max: float quantity

the cut-off mass (defaults to 100.0 MSun)

random: int, random number generator

ex: np.random.default_rng(seed=0) will default to random seed

m_to_n_tol: float

fractional error between target_mass and mass(imf(N))

kroupa: (N, ) list quantity

list of masses length number_of_particles


if number_of_particles has units of mass, treated as Mtot, and will find number_of_particles via Newton-Raphson iteration.