Source code for amuse_util.ic.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Utility Functions for Initial Conditions.

Routine Listings


__author__ = "Nathaniel Starkman"

__all__ = [



from typing import Optional, Union, Callable, Tuple, Any

import numpy as np

from amuse.units import units as u


from utilipy.utils.functools import wraps, partial



[docs]def num_particles_from_mtot_given_mass_func( target_mass: u.MSun, imf_func: Callable, imf_args: list = [], imf_kwargs: dict = {}, tolerance: float = 0.01, random=0, ) -> Tuple[int, Any, Any]: # TODO correct Any """Finds the number of particles in a cluster of mass `target_mass`. Parameters ---------- target_mass: amuse units.MSun target mass of cluster imf_func: function the function that generates the IMF signature: ``imf_func(number_of_particles, *args, **kwargs)`` imf_args: list list of arguments for `imf_func` should NOT include number_of_particles imf_kwargs: dict keyword arguments for `imf_func` should NOT include `random` tolerance: float fractional error between `target_mass` and mass(imf(N)) random: number the random seed for reproducibility Returns ------- N: int number of stars in cluster M: amuse units.MSun mass of stars in cluster err: float fractional error between M and `target_mass` """ assert target_mass.value_in(u.MSun) >= 0 def _frac_err(M): return np.abs(target_mass - M) / target_mass # figuring out good guess # by getting the approximate answer from the total / mean mass mean = imf_func(1000, *imf_args, random=random, **imf_kwargs).mean() N = int(target_mass / mean) M = imf_func(N, *imf_args, **imf_kwargs).sum() # lower bound, just N / 2 N_low = int(N / 2) M_low = imf_func(N_low, *imf_args, random=random, **imf_kwargs).sum() assert M_low < target_mass # upper bound, just 2 N N_up = int(2 * N) M_up = imf_func(N_up, *imf_args, random=random, **imf_kwargs).sum() assert M_up > target_mass # iterating to find correct N # stop when reach desired tolerance i: int = 0 # prevent infinite loop while (_frac_err(M) > tolerance) & (i < 50): i += 1 if M < target_mass: # set lower bounds = current N_low = N M_low = M if M > target_mass: # set upper bounds = current N_up = N M_up = M # set guess N = int((N_low + N_up) / 2) M = imf_func(N, *imf_args, random=random, **imf_kwargs).sum() # catching edge cases if N < N_low: N = N_low M = M_low break elif N == N_low: M_Np1 = imf_func( N_low + 1, *imf_args, random=random, **imf_kwargs ).sum() if _frac_err(M_Np1) < _frac_err(M_low): N = N_low + 1 M = M_Np1 else: N = N_low M = M_low break elif N == N_up: M_Nm1 = imf_func( N_up - 1, *imf_args, random=random, **imf_kwargs ).sum() if _frac_err(M_Nm1) < _frac_err(M_up): N = N_up - 1 M = M_Nm1 else: N = N_up M = M_up break elif N > N_up: N = N_up M = M_up break return N, M, _frac_err(M)
# /def # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def imf_number_of_particles_decorator( function: Optional[Callable] = None, *, tolerance: float = 1e-5 ) -> Callable: """For IMF functions, allows mass argument for `number_of_particles`. `number_of_particles` must be a float. If a mass-unit argument is given, it is treated as the total mass and the IMF function is used to infer the float-value for `number_of_particles`. Parameters ---------- function : Callable or None, optional the function to be decorated if None, then returns decorator to apply. tolerance : float, optional mass to number_of_particles conversion tolerance key-word only argument sets the wrapper's default value. Returns ------- wrapper : Callable wrapper for function does a few things includes the original function in a method `.__wrapped__` """ if function is None: # allowing for optional arguments return partial(imf_number_of_particles_decorator, tolerance=tolerance) # make decorator, specifying docstring style @wraps(function, _doc_style="numpy") def wrapper( number_of_particles: Union[int, Any], # TODO correct Any *func_args: Any, m_to_n_tol: float = tolerance, **func_kwargs: Any, ) -> Any: """Wrapper docstring. Parameters ---------- m_to_n_tol: float fractional error between `target_mass` and mass(imf(N)) Notes ----- if number_of_particles has units of mass, treated as Mtot, and will find number_of_particles via Newton-Raphson iteration. """ try: number_of_particles.unit except AttributeError: # it's actually the number of stars if not isinstance(number_of_particles, int): raise TypeError("number_of_particles (Mtot) is not an integer") random = func_kwargs.pop("random", 0) pass else: # need to figure out number of stars random = func_kwargs.pop("random", 0) N, _, _ = num_particles_from_mtot_given_mass_func( number_of_particles, function, tolerance=m_to_n_tol, random=random, imf_kwargs=func_kwargs, ) number_of_particles = N # print(number_of_particles) return function( number_of_particles, *func_args, random=random, **func_kwargs ) # /def return wrapper
# /def ############################################################################## # END