General Interests
- theoretical and computational astrophysics
- stellar evolution with and without rotation
- stellar structure dynamics including rotation
pulsation, convection, turbulence, & diffusion
- numerical techniques and algorithms
Recent Projects
- Calculating low-order normal modes of oscillation of rapidly rotating
stellar models
using variational methods.
- Writing and running a 2D/3D hydrodynamics code to study the internal
of rotating stars and to simulate the interaction of
pulsation and rapid rotation.
- Computing rapidly rotating upper main sequence models to show that the
core actually increases in mass if the angular velocity
gradient is steep. This can
double main sequence lifetimes and
perhaps explain some blue stragglers.
- Modeling line-profile variables to predict the effects of rapid
rotation on nonradial
surface amplitudes.
- Developing a numerical method for integrating in 2D the nonradial
equations for rapidly rotating stellar models.
- Computing the high-order gravity modes which are responsible for the
variables on the upper main sequence.