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Biographical Info
As a member in the SDSS-V collaboration, I work mainly on developing and running the spectral analysis pipelines for the Milky Way Mapper (MWM). My research focuses on analysing the chemo-dynamical properties of star clusters and stellar populations in the Milky Way and nearby dwarf galaxies. I also developed a real-time extraction GUI software for a new IFU instrument (IFU-M) designed for use on the Magellan/Clay telescope.
Biographical Info
I am a Banting-Dunlap Postdoctoral Fellow jointly hosted between the
Department of Statistical Sciences, the Department of Astronomy &
Astrophysics, and the Dunlap Institute. My research focuses on using a
combination of astronomy, statistics, and computer science to combine and
analyze billions of stars and galaxies from wide-field imaging and
spectroscopic surveys to better understand the how galaxies like the Milky
Way form, behave, and evolve over time.