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Assistant Professor, DADDAA & Statistics
astrostatistics, Bayesian hierarchical modelling, Milky Way structure and dynamics, globular clusters, time series analysis, MCMC and sampling methodsPhD 2017, McMaster University
Biographical Info
My research is in the interdisciplinary field of astrostatistics, and I am jointly-appointed between the Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics and the Department of Statistical Sciences. I am interested in using and developing modern statistical methods for astronomy applications to answer fundamental questions about the universe. For example, I use hierarchical Bayesian analysis to study the dark matter halo of the Milky Way and other galaxies, and am developing new time series analysis methods to learn about the internal structure of stars.
Assistant Professor, CITA
Experimental gravity, astrophysical signals, nuclear physics, neutron stars, black holes, gravitational waves, x-ray and radio observations of pulsars, hierarchical Bayesian inference, nonparametric inference, machine learning
Work Email: INTERNET