Job Opportunity: Sessional Lecturer – AST101H1 F Summer – The Sun and its Neighbours
04 Mar 2020
Course Number and Title: AST101H1 F – The Sun and its Neighbours
Course description: Our place in the Universe. Phenomena we see in the sky. What we know about the Sun, the planets and comets, and the formation of the solar system – and how we know it. What makes planets suitable for life. Finding out about the nearest stars and their planets. This course is intended for students with no science or engineering background.
Estimated course enrolment: 196 students
Estimated TA support: 280 hours
Sessional dates: May 1, 2020 – August 31, 2020 for F courses
Sessional Lecturer I rate of pay will be $8,323
Sessional Lecturer I long term rate of pay will be $8,695
Sessional Lecturer II rate of pay will be $8,907
Sessional Lecturer III rate of pay will be $9,119
Qualifications: PhD or equivalent training in Astronomy, with experience in teaching university courses in astronomy required; teaching excellence, strong academic record, and mastery of subject area; previous experience in teaching a similar course is highly desirable.
Description of duties: All normal duties related to the design and teaching of a university credit course, including preparation and delivery of course content; development, administration and marking of assignments, test and exams; calculation and submission of grades; holding regular office hours; supervising TAs assigned to course.
Closing date: March 30, 2020
Application instructions: All individuals interested in this position must submit a Curriculum Vitae and the CUPE 3902 Unit 3 application form PDF format ($!26+Selection/C
UPE+3902+Unit+3+Application+Form.pdf) or WORD format ($!26+Selection/application-for-employment-$!5bCUPE+3902+Unit+3$!5d.rtf) to
Alena Wasney
Department Manager, David A Dunlap Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
This job is posted in accordance with the CUPE 3902 Unit 3 Collective Agreement.
It is understood that some announcements of vacancies are tentative, pending final course determinations and enrolment. Should rates stipulated in the collective agreement vary from rates stated in this posting, the rates stated in the collective agreement shall prevail.
Preference in hiring is given to qualified individuals advanced to the rank of Sessional Lecturer II or Sessional Lecturer III in accordance with Article 14:12 of the CUPE 3902 Unit 3 collective agreement.
Please note: Undergraduate or graduate students and postdoctoral fellows of the University of Toronto are covered by the CUPE 3902 Unit 1 collective agreement rather than the Unit 3 collective agreement, and should not apply for positions posted under the Unit 3 collective agreement.