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New Opportunities with the Gemini Observatory

Gemini Observatory’s director Markus Kissler-Patig will present an update of the facility and introduce some new opportunities for astronomers at Gemini.  Gemini operates twin 8-m telescopes, one in Hawaii and the other in Chile.  The departure of the UK from Gemini’s international partnership at the end of 2012 provided the chance to re-evaluate the services offered to Gemini users and opened new opportunities in two domains. First, Gemini will welcome discussions with groups wanting to bring their own instruments for campaigns.  This visiting instrument program will complement the suite of workhorse instruments offered by the Observatory, and will allow scientific breakthroughs not possible with the regular suite of instruments.  Second, the Gemini Observatory will be offering cross-partnership large or long programs. From 2014 on, Gemini will be dedicating 20% of Gemini time to high-impact large or long collaborative programs selected through a yearly call.  Gemini is also looking at the possibility of offering some fraction of time in a fast turn-around mode, as well as “eavesdropping” for queue observing.  We remain very interested in having astronomers visit the telescopes. In addition to these two major initiatives, several new instruments have appeared in 2013: Flamingos-2 and the Gemini Multi-conjugate adaptive optics System (GeMS) are being offered for science, and the Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) has arrived on Cerro Pachon.    We encourage all astronomers to attend this presentation to learn about these new opportunities, and to provide feedback how Gemini Observatory can optimally support your research.

Cody Hall

Markus Kissler-Patig (Gemini)

September 18, 2013
15:00 - 16:00