The goal of ASAS-SN is to monitor the entire visible sky on a nightly basis for bright transients. ASAS-SN will reach this goal by the end of 2017. In the interim, ASAS-SN already dominates the discovery of bright supernovae (<17 mag) with significantly fewer biases than previous surveys. Along the way, ASAS-SN has found most of the well-studied tidal disruption events, the most luminous supernova found to date, and interesting "changing-look" AGN. ASAS-SN also now finds the majority of Galactic novae, huge numbers of outbursts from cataclysmic variables, and extreme flares from M and even L dwarf stars. ASAS-SN has also identified some 70,000 new variable stars and provides a simple WWW interface that will supply an up to the moment light curve for any user-selected point on the celestial sphere. With an all-sky sensitivity reaching low surface brightnesses, ASAS-SN can also be used to search for light echoes from historical transients and low surface brightness structures around massive galaxies or low surface brightness dwarf galaxies.
Cody Hall, AB 107
Christopher Kochanek (Ohio State University)
October 04, 2017
14:00 - 15:00