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Advancing the Astronomical Inclusion Revolution

The field of Astronomy and Astrophysics has seen major changes in the last couple of decades. There have been discoveries that have evolved our understanding of the Universe. The development of new methods and gathering of datasets have expanded topical areas of the field in profound ways. We have even seen the community begin to recognize and understand that the health and well-being of the workforce cannot be ignored if we expect to continue with scientific breakthroughs.  However, advancing the well-being of our workforce requires the evolution our scientific culture.

In this talk, I will highlight 1) some growing trends toward more diversity, equity and inclusion in the field, 2) the importance of access to decision making and research opportunities to promote these trends and 3) how we are supporting such access at NOIRLab, and  4) the structural changes needed to advance an astronomical inclusion revolution.


Dara Norman, NOIRLab

March 31, 2021
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm