The Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE), one of the programs in Sloan Digital Sky Survey III (SDSS-III), has now completed its three year survey of our galaxy. APOGEE is producing a large catalog of high resolution (R ~ 22,500), high quality (S/N > 100), infrared (H-band: 1.51-1.68 μm) spectra for stars throughout all stellar populations of the Milky Way, and including time series information via repeat visits to stars. With some half million spectra collected on 146,000 unique stars, APOGEE is already making a variety of impactful discoveries. I will summarize some of the early results of the APOGEE project, including measurements of Galactic dynamics, multi-element chemical maps of the disk and bulge, new views of the interstellar medium, explorations of stellar companions, the chemistry of star clusters and dSph satellites, and the discovery of rare stellar species. I will then describe plans for the recently initiated successor to APOGEE, the dual-hemisphere APOGEE-2 project. Together, the APOGEE-1 and -2 databases will constitute a large, comprehensive, systematic and homogeneous high resolution stellar spectroscopic survey across the entire Milky Way.
Cody Hall
Steven R. Majewski (University of Virginia)
October 31, 2014
14:00 - 15:00