Dunlap Training Grant
FUNDING >> Dunlap Institute Student Training Grant
Funding Criteria
The goal of the Dunlap Institute Student Training Grant is to provide financial support to astronomy graduate students at the University of Toronto to participate in professional development, training or educational activities, for example, attending professional development workshops or summer schools, giving job talks at other universities etc. (For activities relating to equity, diversity and inclusion, students can apply for funding through “Funding for Equity/Diversity/Inclusion Activities”).
Application Process
Applications should be made using the Dunlap Student Training Grant Form, and must be emailed to alice.chow@utoronto.ca at least three weeks prior to the start date of the proposed activity, preferably much earlier. Optimally, the award request should be made when plans are first being made to participate in the proposed activity.
Applicants should have their supervisor’s approval.
Applicants must normally be a UofT graduate student supervised by a full member of the graduate faculty in the Graduate Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics at UofT at the time of:
- application;
- attending the activities
Applications from SURP students, undergraduate students or other students in astronomy will be considered on a case by case basis.
This grant aims to provide funds to cover travel, accommodation, meals and registration fees for the proposed activity. Eligible expenses follow the normal University of Toronto Guide to Financial Management.
Travel Grant Calculations
The Dunlap Management Committee (DMC) uses the following set of guidelines in its consideration of student applications for support.
- Top Priority (Weight = 1.0)
- Professional development or educational activity through which the applicant will provide, develop or receive skills or techniques relating to research, outreach, or future career plans.
- Medium Priority (Weight = 0.7)
- CASCA – attending the graduate training workshop on the day preceding the CASCA Annual Meeting (the lower weight given to this is because eligible students can and should also apply for a DADDAA Thesis Research Travel Award to fund travel to CASCA meetings). The grant will also cover the CASCA student membership in FULL for applicants attending the graduate training workshop on the day preceding the CASCA Annual Meeting.
- Job talks – visiting a minimum of two institutions.
Observing runs, conferences on research, collaboration meetings, etc, are not supported. Other activities not specified above will be considered by the Dunlap Director on a case by case basis.
The actual grant to the student is the weight factor (referred to above) times the proposed budget. It is expected that the difference between the actual cost and the Dunlap Training Grant will be covered by the student’s supervisor or other funding sources.
In addition to these weights, limits will be applied to any single activity, as follows:
Priority | Award Amount | Maximum Award (USA & Canada) |
Maximum Award (other countries) |
A | Total X 1.0 | $2000 | $2500 |
B | Total X 0.7 | $1400 | $1750 |
In addition, the maximum support per student for each fiscal year (May 1 to April 30) is set at $2500 on topics related to PhD research, plus $2500 per year on topics unrelated to PhD research, contingent on availability of overall Dunlap Training funds.
For those giving job talks, successful applicants are required to give a practice talk at Astro Tea before departing.
Other successful applicants are required, within 30 days of completing the activity, either to:
- provide a short presentation at Astro Tea, or
- submit a short written report to Alice Chow.
All recipients of funding are encouraged to post to the Dunlap blog or other social media while participating in the activities.
Successful applicants are strongly recommended to submit the reimbursement claim to collect their offers within 30 days after the activity has occurred. Uncollected grants will become void three months after the activity has occurred. Reimbursement form and original receipts should be submitted to Lauren Ding, Research Grant and Financial Assistant (yeelu.ding@utoronto.ca).
If you have any questions, please email Alice Chow at alice.chow@utoronto.ca.