Past Colloquia
The Time Domain Renaissance: From Gamma-Ray Bursts to Advanced LIGO
Cody Hall
Brad Cenko (Berkeley)
February 06, 2012
14:00 - 15:00
With convergence of both science (i.e., community interests) and technology (the advent of new facilities enabled by Moore’s Law), time-domain exploration of the sky promises to be a frontier pursuit in the coming decade. In this talk I will review two recent results from our efforts to characterize variability…
The Accelerating Universe: Probing Inflation & Dark Energy with the Radio/Microwave Sky
Cody Hall
Keith Vanderlinde (McGill)
February 02, 2012
14:00 - 15:00
Two of the greatest mysteries in cosmology — and indeed all of modern physics — involve the exponential growth of space: the inflationary period of the early Universe, and the present-day Dark Energy-driven expansion. Recent technological advances are fuelling the exploration of these twin phenomena,…
Innovative Non-Dispersive Imaging Spectrometers: Technology Development and Upcoming Observational Opportunities
Cody Hall
Megan Eckart (Goddard SFC)
January 30, 2012
14:00 - 15:00
The development of a new detector technology often results in major advances in observational capabilities. Recently developed microcalorimeter detector arrays will revolutionize the study of the high-energy Universe by enabling non-dispersive spectrometers with high spectral resolution (R~1000-6000) in the soft X-ray band. These new instruments…
The Role of Dwarf Galaxy Interactions in Shaping the Magellanic System and Implications for Magellanic Irregulars and Dwarf Spheroidals
Cody Hall
Gurtina Besla (Columbia University)
January 27, 2012
14:00 - 15:00
I will present a new numerical model of the evolution of the Milky Way’s largest satellite galaxies, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC/SMC), in which their current internal structure and kinematics and large-scale gas morphology are dictated by their mutual tidal interactions, rather than…
Small Stars with Small Planets and Big Consequences
Cody Hall
Phil Muirhead (Caltech)
January 25, 2012
15:00 - 16:00
The field of extrasolar planets is rapidly evolving. The quest to discover ever-more and ever-smaller exoplanets has pushed the field in two primary detections: (1) toward a comprehensive assessment of the frequency and statistics of various types of exoplanets–used as a guide for planet formation…
“Retired” Planet Hosts: Not So Massive, Maybe Just Portly After Lunch
Cody Hall
James P. Lloyd (Cornell University)
January 20, 2012
14:00 - 15:00
Studies of the planet abundance as a function of stellar mass have suggested a strong increase in the frequency of planet occurrence around stars more massive than 1.5 Msun, and that such stars are deficit in short period planets. These planet searches have relied on…
The Origins of Planetary Systems – Constraints from Protoplanetary Disks
Cody Hall
Ilaria Pascucci (University of Arizona)
January 13, 2012
14:00 - 15:00
What is the origin of the Solar System and other planetary systems? We are living in an exciting era where the history of the Solar System is being revealed by in-situ measurements and sample returns from solar system objects, laboratory analysis of meteorites, and by…
The Origins of Planetary Systems – Constraints from Protoplanetary Disks
Cody Hall
Ilaria Pascucci (University of Arizona)
January 13, 2012
14:00 - 15:00
What is the origin of the Solar System and other planetary systems? We are living in an exciting era where the history of the Solar System is being revealed by in-situ measurements and sample returns from solar system objects, laboratory analysis of meteorites, and by…
Colloquium with Alison Sills
Cody Hall
Prof. Alison Sills, McMaster University
January 01, 1970
2:00pm - 3:00pm
More information coming soon.