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Work Phone: 416-978-2198/3150work
Work Email: INTERNET
Website: http://www.astro.utoronto.ca/~carlberg/
Biographical Info
I am primarily interested in cosmology and galaxy formation and evolution using both observational and theoretical approaches. Recently I was one of the leaders of the Supernova Legacy Survey which found that the dark energy was constant in time to a precision of better than 10%, consistent with Einstein’s cosmological constant. I am also interested in star streams as indicators of the dark matter substructure of the Milky Way halo. I was the Thirty Meter Telescope’s Canadian Project Director 2003-17.
Supervisors: Maria Drout + Bryan Gaensler
Work Email: INTERNET
CMB, BHs and stellar evolution, galaxy evolution, instrumentation (Dunlap Instrumentation Fellowship)
Work Email: INTERNET
Supervisors: Gwen Eadie + Bryan Gaensler
Work Email: INTERNET
Website: http://astro.utoronto.ca/~cook/
Postdoctoral Fellow with Prof. Yanqin Wu
Work Email: INTERNET
Website: https://www.astro.utoronto.ca/~can.cui