Graduate Courses
Academic Year 2024-2025 Graduate Courses
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Preparatory and Elective Graduate Courses
Fall 2024
**The Department fall session graduate courses will start the week of September 9th.**
- AST1440H Radiation (Chris Matzner / Bart Ripperda): Mondays 1:30-3pm and Thursday 12-1:30 (AB113)
- AST1430H Cosmology (Adam Hincks): Tuesdays 10-12, Wednesdays 11-12 (AB113)
- AST3101H Specialized Topics: Modular courses worth .25FCE
- Term F1: lec 0221: AI Essentials (Kristen Menou): Fridays 2-4 (AB113)
- Term F2: lec 0222: Data Visualization and GPU Programming (Hanno Rein): Fridays 2-4 (AB113) starting Oct 25
- Term F2: lec 0223: Big Stars and Compact Objects Across the Universe (Reed Essick / Maya Fishbach): Fridays 10-12 (IdeaLab Bridge, MP 13th floor) starting Oct 25
Winter 2025
- AST1410H Stars (Marten van Kerkwijk): Mondays 11am-12pm and Thursdays 11am-1pm (AB113)
- JAS1101H Topics in Astrostatistics (Gwen Eadie): Tuesdays 2-3pm and Thursdays 1-2pm (AB88)
- AST2040H Extragalactic Astronomy (Roberto Abraham): Mondays 2-4pm (AB113)
- AST3101H Specialized Topics: Modular courses worth .25FCE
- Term S1: lec 0124: Coding (Marten van Kerkwijk): Fridays 1-4pm (location TBD)
Research Courses (for 1st year direct-entry PhD students)
- AST1501Y Introduction to Research (Jo Bovy) Fall Session: Tuesdays and Thursdays 3-4pm (AB113) Winter Session: TBA
- AST1500Y Directed Research (Jo Bovy)
Modular Courses (AST3101H Specialized Topics in Astronomy & Astrophysics)
Modular courses also known as “mini-courses” are weighted at half a standard graduate elective equivalent (0.25 FCE). The topics will vary year to year and give students the flexibility to examine a diverse range of subjects in a compressed format. The modules serve to address gaps in student research knowledge and/or practical skills acquisition in a timely manner. Compressed topics allow for a breadth of development in research competencies and skills.
The topics offered will be based on program needs and instructor availability within a particular area not included in other course offerings. Given that the topics will be adaptable and may be driven by student’s interests, some may be one-off offerings.
The modular courses are repeatable for credit if taken with a different topic (each carrying an individual subtitle and lecture code) to a maximum of four modules (1.0 FCE) to be counted toward fulfillment of the graduate electives requirement. Please note, however, that these compact courses are not designed to accompany the literature qualifying examination process.
Scheduling: the modular courses may be offered as non-standard with respect to start and end dates but should fall within one session (and not overlap sessions): either fall, winter or summer session.
Physics Department Graduate Courses
We have reciprocity with the Physics Department for enrollment in our respective graduate courses. The following affinity physics courses are approved toward the required graduate electives:
- PHY1483H: Relativity Theory I
- PHY1484H: Relativity Theory II
- PHY1489H: Introduction to High Energy Physics
- PHY1500H: Statistical Mechanics
- PHY 1510H: Electromagnetism
- PHY1520H: Quantum Mechanics
- PHY1530H: Fluid Mechanics
- PHY 1540Y: Mathematical Methods in Physics
- PHY1610H: Scientific Computing for Physicists
Enrollment in Graduate Courses in a Cognate Department
It may be possible to substitute a graduate course from a cognate department offered at the equivalent level toward your required electives with approval from the associate chair, graduate, Jo Bovy. To petition, please email grad.coord@astro.utoronto.ca with an overall course plan (this can be tentative) to provide context for justification for inclusion.
Graduate Students from Other Departments
In accord with our course reciprocity arrangement, enrollment slots are available for physics students in all of our courses with the exception of the AST1501/1500 directed research series which is restricted to our direct-entry PhD students.
Graduate students from other departments may take graduate courses offered by Astronomy and Astrophysics if they have a demonstrated background (i.e. upper-level undergraduate physics coursework along with strong mathematical preparation) and with permission from the both the course instructor and their home department.
AY2023-24 Courses
In terms of future planning, the intent is to offer the full AST preparatory course (1000 series) each year whenever possible.
Full List of Graduate Courses
Please note that not all courses listed are necessarily offered every year but may be offered in future years.
Preparatory Courses
- AST1410H Stars
- AST1420H Galactic Structure and Dynamics
- AST1430H Cosmology
- AST 1440H Radiation Processes and Gas Dynamics
- JAS1101H Topics in Astrostatistics
Research Courses
Elective Courses
- AST2030H The Interstellar Medium and Star Formation
- AST2040H Extragalactic Astronomy
- AST 2050H Observational Techniques
Specialized Courses
- AST3010H Advanced Topics in Stellar and Galactic Astronomy
- AST3020H Advanced Topics in Interstellar Matter and Star Formation I
- AST3021H Advanced Topics in Interstellar Matter and Star Formation II
- AST3040H Advanced Topics in Planetary Science
- AST3050H Theoretical Cosmology
- AST3100H Lecture Series in Specialized Topics
- AST3101H Specialized Topics in Astronomy & Astrophysics (Modular Course 0.25 FCE)