Modelling Self-Interacting Dark matter in the Milky Way Project by Alex Brisebois; Supervised by Prof. Jo Bovy
Finding stellar streams and tidal tails using Bayesian mixture models Project by Andrew Li; Supervised by Prof. Ting Li and Dr. Gustavo Medina
Characterization of a Hyperactive Fast Radi Burst Project by Arianna Lasinski; Supervised by Dr. Ziggy Pleunis and Dr. Paul Scholz
Evolution of Angular Momentum in Star Forming Cores Project by Aryamann Rao; Supervised by Prof. Rachel Friesen
Accelerating CHIME/FRB Baseband Localization Project by Diana Korotun; Supervised by Prof. Keith Vanderlinde
Star Formation Histories in Cosmological Simulations Project by Eshal Arshad; Supervised by Prof. Josh Speagle
Star Formation Histories in Cosmological Simulations Project by Eshal Arshad; Supervised by Prof. Josh Speagle
Understanding the impact of Bayesian inference on ultra-light axion limits Project by Ian Chow; Supervised by Dr. Keir Rogers
Influence of the Milky Way Bar on Hypervelocity Star Trajectories Project by Isabella Armstrong; Supervised by Prof. Jo Bovy and Dr. Fraser Evans
Investigating ni Distribution in Type Ia Supernovae Project by Kelvin Leong; Supervised by Prof. Dae-Sik Moon
A Pseudo-Synthetic Calibration of an Adaptive Optics System Project by Parker Levesque; Supervised by Prof. Suresh Sivanandam
Searching for Faint Stellar Streams in the Distant Halo Project by Maia Wertheim; Supervised by Dr. Gustavo Medina
A Pseudo-Synthetic Calibration of an Adaptive Optics System Project by Parker Levesque; Supervised by Prof. Suresh Sivanandam
Searching for Faint Stellar Streams in the Distant Halo Project by Maia Wertheim; Supervised by Dr. Gustavo Medina
Searching for the Crab pulsar in CMB data Project by Ian Niebres; Supervised by Prof. Adam Hincks and Dr. Yilun Guan
Investigating the formation of a galaxy with a trail of star clusters Project by Obada Al Ajeh; Supervised by Dr. Lamiya Mowla
Investigating the formation of a galaxy with a trail of star clusters Project by Obada Al Ajeh; Supervised by Dr. Lamiya Mowla
The Faults in our Star Clusters: Predicting Globular Cluster Evolution using Neural Networks Project Project by Parisa Acharya; Supervised by Prof. Jeremy Webb
Detection of variable stars in DES ultra-faint dwarf galaxies Motivations Project by Phebe T-Giorgis; Supervised by Dr. Gustavo Medina
Searching for Dwarf Galaxy Candidates in NGC3621 Project by Raina Irons; Supervised Prof. Dae-Sik Moon
Wavefront Reconstruction for Photonic Adaptive Optics Project by Libertad Rojas Supervised by Dr. Momen Diab and Prof. Suresh Sivanandam
A machine-learning led search for extra-tidal stars of globular clusters Project by Ryan Wang; Supervised by Prof. Josh Speagle and Prof. Jeremy Webb
A machine-learning led search for extra-tidal stars of globular clusters Project by Ryan Wang; Supervised by Prof. Josh Speagle and Prof. Jeremy Webb
An Ultra-Wideband Receiver for the ARO 46-meter Telescope Project by Sophia Da Costa; Supervised by Prof. Keith Vanderlinde
Deriving Spectral Abundances in DESI with Machine Learning Project by Stephanie Lee; Supervised by Prof. Josh Speagle and Prof. Ting Li
Deriving Spectral Abundances in DESI with Machine Learning Project by Stephanie Lee; Supervised by Prof. Josh Speagle and Prof. Ting Li
LUVCam Environmental Testing Project by Julia Empey; Supervised by Prof. Suresh Sivanandam
Simulations of photonic phase corrector for adaptive optics system Project by Dhwanil Patel; Supervised by Dr. Momen Diab and Prof. Suresh Sivanandam
Graph Database Software for Large-Scale Multi-Telescope Experiments Project by Zannatul S. Isaque; Supervised by Prof. Adam Hincks and Dr. Yilun Guan
Simulations of photonic phase corrector for adaptive optics system Project by Dhwanil Patel; Supervised by Dr. Momen Diab and Prof. Suresh Sivanandam
Graph Database Software for Large-Scale Multi-Telescope Experiments Project by Zannatul S. Isaque; Supervised by Prof. Adam Hincks and Dr. Yilun Guan