NGC 6638 / C1827-255
RA: 18:30:56.10 DEC: -25:29:50.9 (J2000)

(Most recent updates: 
Membership probability flag - 2024; Remaining data - January 2015)
Bytes  Format      Explanation
1-8      A8        Star ID
10-32  A11,1x,A11  Position
34-35    A2        Membership probability flag based on data published
                   by Prudil & Arellano Ferro (2024)
                    m1: prob >=0.85;  m2: prob >=0.7 and <0.85;
                    m3: prob >= 0.5 and <0.7; f: prob <0.5
                    u:  no data available
37-44   F8.4       Period  (days)
46-51   F6.3       Mean magnitude (or maximum magnitude if "max" 
                      is indicated in the remarks column)
53-57   F5.3       Light amplitude (range of variability)
59      A1         Colour for mean magnitude and amplitude
                    e.g.  B, V, R, I, J, K
                    or P (for photographic).
61-65   A5         Type of variable (draft 2006 GCVS classifications)
                      CST denotes non variable stars previously designated
                      as variables
67-80   A19        Notes and Remarks  (f denotes field star)
 "--" or "----" indicates no data available
ID       Position               Mem   Period <mag>  ampl  C Type  Notes/
         RA          Dec        Flag                              Remarks
1        18:30:01.77 -25:16:29.1 u  ----     15.42  0.63  P ?     
2        18:30:02.58 -25:37:25.0 u  ----     13.22  0.39  P CST? 
3        18:30:20.19 -25:37:51.4 u  260.0    15.33  3.65  P M    
4        18:30:21.75 -25:25:39.1 u  ----     15.76  0.68  P ?
5        18:30:31.33 -24:14:08.6 u  ----     15.18  0.49  P CST?
6        18:30:32.12 -25:25:46.8 u  ----     15.86  0.40  P CST?
7        18:30:35.42 -25:28:10.7 u  ----     16.59  0.57  P CST?
8        18:30:37.42 -25:36:29.6 u  ----     16.48  1.19  P ?   
9        18:30:44.80 -25:29:05.1 u  ----     15.95  0.50  P CST?
10       18:30:54.36 -25:30:54.0 m1 ----     15.92  0.44  P CST?
11       18:30:54.86 -25:32:20.4 u  ----     16.51  1.15  P ?   
12       18:31:10.61 -25:36:27.2 u  279.0    14.65  3.01  P M   
13       18:31:14.07 -25:16:16.6 u  209.0    14.58  4.36  P M   
14       18:31:20.82 -25:14:58.3 u  ----     15.60  0.40  P CST?
15       18:31:37.23 -25:18:09.9 u  156.0    15.18  3.65  P M   
16       18:31:45.63 -25:20:40.3 u  ----     15.21  0.75  P ?   
17       18:31:50.15 -25:18:00.8 u  ----     16.39  1.22  P ?   
18       18:31:50.73 -25:26:07.2 u  ----     14.33  0.50  P CST?
19       18:31:53.77 -25:12:29.3 u  ----     15.26  0.88  P ?   
20       18:30:53.00 -25:30:12.1 m1   0.3145 15.97  0.57  P RR1 
21       18:30:53.68 -25:29:45.0 f    0.3290 16.17  0.40  P RR1 
22       18:30:53.91 -25:29:42.9 f    0.3500 15.80  0.56  P RR1 
23       18:30:54.18 -25:29:29.1 m2   0.3255 15.94  0.56  P RR1  
24       18:30:54.58 -25:29:27.9 m1   0.6655 16.06  0.71  P RR0
25       18:30:55.56 -25:30:04.1 f    0.6728 15.79  0.66  I RR0   Sk
26       18:30:55.64 -25:30:08.8 m1   0.6674 15.85  0.47  I RR0   Sk
27       18:30:55.91 -25:30:09.3 m1   0.5997 15.87  0.68  I RR0   Sk
28       18:30:56.03 -25:29:12.2 f    0.3150 15.90  0.51  P RR1 
29       18:30:56.11 -25:29:53.9 f    0.2579 15.92  0.31  I RR1   Sk
30       18:30:56.47 -25:30:07.6 m1   0.5065 16.00  0.75  I RR0   Sk
31       18:30:56.64 -25:29:59.5 f    0.4580 15.88  0.67  I RR0   Sk
32       18:30:56.57 -25:29:49.8 f    0.5683 15.65  0.35  I RR0   Sk
33       18:30:56.91 -25:30:10.8 m1   0.3238 16.07  0.22  I RR1   Sk
34       18:30:57.37 -25:29:51.1 m1 ----     --     --      ?
35       18:30:57.77 -25:30:05.8 f  ----     --     --      ?
36       18:30:57.98 -25:30:08.3 m1 ----     --     --      ?
37       18:30:50.43 -25:29:21.3 m1   0.2790 16.29  0.54  P RR1   Note
38       18:30:52.13 -25:28:31.3 f    0.3080 16.14  0.36  P RR1   Note
39       18:30:54.24 -25:29:00.8 f    0.2575 15.91  0.57  P RR1   
40       18:30:55.09 -25:32:16.5 u    0.2990 16.71  0.54  P RR1   Note
41       18:30:59.14 -25:30:26.2 f    0.2975 16.22  0.70  P RR1   
42       18:30:59.49 -25:27:57.7 u    0.3450 16.30  0.48  P RR1   Note
43       18:31:00.41 -25:30:58.9 m1   0.2980 16.35  0.53  P RR1   Note
44       18:31:01.1  -25:30:28   m1   0.2655 16.32  0.68  P RR1   
45       18:31:02.07 -25:30:39.0 m1   0.2955 16.32  0.50  P RR1   Note
46       18:29:58.65 -25:26:08.8 u  ----     16.29  1.07  P     
47       18:30:00.51 -25:21:08.2 u  ----     16.23  0.74  P     
48       18:30:00.33 -25:22:34.3 u  ----     13.45  1.14  P     
49       18:30:06.35 -25:42:32.2 u  ----     14.05  1.02  P     
50       18:30:21.60 -25:19:26.7 u  ----     15.97  0.80  P     
51       18:30:21.67 -25:35:07.9 u  ----     16.23  1.01  P     
52       18:30:30.55 -25:35:34.8 u  ----     16.03  1.25  P     
53       18:30:44.00 -25:30:32.7 u  ----     15.70  0.61  P     
54       18:31:05.61 -25:11:37.2 u  ----     14.79  1.75  P     
55       18:31:04.41 -25:17:07.6 u  ----     15.65  0.57  P     
56       18:31:17.70 -25:21:43.7 u  ----     14.82  1.00  P     
57       18:31:16.78 -25:42:29.9 u  380.0    16.44  1.73  P M?    
58       18:31:31.36 -25:18:10.8 u  ----     16.17  0.96  P     
59       18:31:33.25 -25:13:17.7 u  ----     15.19  1.67  P     
60       18:31:41.31 -25:20:08.3 u  ----     16.35  1.31  P     
61       18:31:51.37 -25:12:48.6 u  ----     15.58  1.70  P     
62       18:31:47.43 -25:35:34.4 u  ----     16.03  1.25  P     
63       18:31:49.49 -25:39:36.5 u  213.0    15.36  3.28  P M     
64       18:30:56.32 -25:30:03.7 f    0.2483 16.14  0.20  I RR1 
65       18:30:55.59 -25:29:43.6 f    0.3682 15.85  0.28  I RR1 
66       18:30:55.02 -25:29:47.1 f    0.6402 15.78  0.24  I RR0 
67       18:30:56.84 -25:29:46.8 f    0.6414 15.67  0.13  I RR0 
68       18:30:56.24 -25:30:04.4 f    0.8329 15.97  0.87  I RR0 
69       18:30:54.83 -25:30:01.5 m1  38.8    12.30  0.22  I SR  
70       18:30:55.82 -25:30:01.0 f   80.2    11.77  0.45  I SR  
71       18:30:56.01 -25:29:57.3 f           11.92  0.10  I L  
Supplementary Notes 

The data in the above table are from the following sources.
     The RA and dec in the above table are from Samus et al. (2009) 
     unless indicated "Sk" in the remarks column in which case they
     are from Skottfelt et al. (2015). 
     Samus et al. pointed out that there were serious errors in the 
     RA and dec values published earlier by Rutily & Terzan (1977).  

     The periods, magnitudes and classifications are based mainly on 
     the data of Rutily & Terzan (1977).  They treated the variable 
     stars in two groups: red variables (V1-V19 and V46-V63) and  
     blue variables (V20-V45).  

     Most of the red variables are located outside the tidal radius 
     (~4.7 arcminutes according to the 2010 update of the 1996 Harris 
     catalogue) and probably belong to the field around the cluster.
     Consequently they are all listed in the Moscow GCVS or NSV 
     catalogues.  Samus et al. (2009) listed the GCVS and/or NSV 
     designations for these variables in Table 1 of their paper.

     Skottfelt et al. (2015) published RA, dec, periods, magnitudes 
     and amplitudes for some of the blue variables.  These stars 
     are indicated "Sk" in the remarks column.

     All the data are from the discovery paper by Skottfelt et al. 

A BV CM diagram by Piotto et al. (2002) based on HST data shows a blue 
straggler sequence and a horizontal branch that is populated on both 
sides of the instability strip. 

Notes on individual stars:

V37, V38, V40, V42, V43, V45:
     Smith & Stryker (1986) obtained low-resolution spectra for these
     RR Lyrae variables. Based on the radial velocities they derived,
     they concluded that V37, V38, V42, V45 were probable members and 
     that the membership membership status of V40 and V43 was 
Discovery of the variable stars in NGC 6638: 

   Terzan (1968) with an ID chart
   Three of these variables #9, #10 and #11 were listed as V1-3
   by Sawyer Hogg (1973) in her 3rd catalogue. The remaining 16
   were not included because she considered them to be field stars.
   No elements were listed by Sawyer Hogg (1973) for any of the
   Terzan's original numbering system (V1-19) has been used in the 
   above table because it was adopted in a later paper by Rutily & Terzan 
   (1977) for the variable stars in and around NGC 6638. The 1977 paper
   includes ID charts for all of the variables.

V20-45 = V4-29 of Sawyer Hogg et al. (1974) and Terzan & Rutily (1975) 
   The x,y coordinates were listed in both of the above papers.

   The numbers V20-45 were assigned in a later paper by Rutily & 
   Terzan (1977).  In their 1977 paper, Rutily & Terzan published
   an ID chart for V20-45.

   Rutily & Terzan (1977) with 1950 RA and Dec and an ID
   chart for V1-19 and V44-63.  

   Skottfelt et al. (2015) with RA, dec and a finding chart

Harris, W. E. 1996, AJ, 112, 1487

Piotto, G., King, I. R., Djorgovski, S. G., Sosin, C., Zoccali, M.,
Saviane, I., De Angeli, F. and 5 coauthors, 2002, A&A, 391, 945

Prudil Z., Arellano Ferro, A. 2024, MNRAS, 534, 3654

Rutily, B. & Terzan, A. 1977, A&AS, 30, 315

Samus, N. N., Kazarovets, E. V., Pastukhova, E. N., Tsvetkova, T. M.,
Durlevich, O. V. 2009, PASP, 121, 1378

Sawyer Hogg, H. 1973,  Publ. DDO, 3, No.  6

Sawyer Hogg, H.,  Terzan, A., Rutily, B. 1974, Comptes Rendus, 279, 333

Smith, H. A. & Stryker, L. L. 1986, PASP, 98, 453

Skottfelt, J., Bramich, D. M., Figuera Jaimes, R., Jorgensen, U. G.,
Kains, N., Arellano Ferro, A., Alsubai, K. A. and 27 coauthors, 2015, 
A&A, 573, A103

Terzan, A. 1968, Pub. Obs. Haute Prov., 9, No. 24

Terzan, A. & Rutily, B. 1975, A&A, 38, 307