NGC 6624 / C1820-303 RA: 18:23:40.69 DEC: -30:21:38.8 (J2000) (Most recent updates: Membership probability flag - 2024; Remaining data - January 2025) ============================================================ Bytes Format Explanation 1-8 A8 Star ID 10-32 A11,1x,A11 Position 34-35 A2 Membership probability flag based on data published by Prudil & Arellano Ferro (2024) m1: prob >=0.85; m2: prob >=0.7 and <0.85; m3: prob >= 0.5 and <0.7; f: prob <0.5 u: no data available 37-44 F8.4 Period (days) 46-51 F6.3 Mean magnitude (or maximum magnitude if "max" is indicated in the remarks column) 53-57 F5.3 Light amplitude (range of variability) 59 A1 Colour for mean magnitude and amplitude e.g. B, V, R, I, J, K or P (for photographic). 61-65 A5 Type of variable (draft 2006 GCVS classifications) CST denotes non variable stars previously designated as variables 67-80 A19 Notes and Remarks (f denotes field star) "--" or "----" indicates no data available ========================================================================= ID Position Mem Period <mag> ampl C Type Notes/ RA Dec Flag Remarks ========================================================================= 1 18:23:53.52 -30:18:42.3 u 292.6 12.08 1.555 I M Note 2 18:23:49.35 -30:17:52.2 u 194.95 11.944 2.751 I M f;Note 3 18:23:39.84 -30:20:50.3 m1 132.50 12.5 1.1 V SR Note 4 18:23:37.52 -30:22:01.8 m1 ---- -- -- CST? Note 5 18:23:30.00 -30:19:04.1 f 0.3467 16.4 0.6 B RR1? f?;Note FL09 18:23:46.13 -29:58:55.6 u 156.0 12.40 0.26 G L Note;mem? PSR -- -- -- -- -- -- u ---- -- -- 11 msPs ======================================================================= Supplementary Notes NGC 6624 is a metal rich bulge cluster with [Fe/H] = -0.44 according to the 2010 revision of the Harris (1996) catalgue. A VI CM diagram published by Heasley et al. (2000) shows a prominent red HB. In the above table, the RA and dec for V1-5 are from Samus et al. (2009). The sources for the remaining data are indicated in the Notes on individual stars. The data for FL09 are from Layden et al. (2025, hereafter L25). ======================================================================= Notes on individual stars V1: V1=OGLE-BLG-LPV-263031 The period, magnitude, amplitude and classification are from the OGLE collection of Mira Stars in the Milky Way (Iwanek et al. 2022). V2: V2=OGLE-BLG-LPV-263012 The period, magnitude, amplitude and classification are from the OGLE collection of Mira Stars in the Milky Way (Iwanek et al. 2022). V2 is considered to be a field star because magnitudes published by Liller & Liller (1976) indicated that the star lies well to the red of the cluster's CM diagram at a V magnitude level comparable to the HB stars. V3: V3=V7047 Sgr The period, magnitude, amplitude and classification are from the Moscow GCVS. Liller & Carney (1978) showed that V3 lies near the RG tip in the CM diagram. Thus it was considered to be a cluster member, a result confirmed by Prudil & Arellano Ferro (2024). V4: Liller & Liller (1976) noted that this star is part of a close pair and questioned its variable status. It has not been recovered as a variable in any other surveys. V5: The magnitude and colour derived by Liller & Liller (1976) for V5 are appropriate for cluster membership. However, they also pointed out that the star was outside the cluster's tidal radius. It is therefore possible that the star belongs to the rich field surrounding the cluster, which is confirmed by the membership flag published by Prudil & Arellano Ferro (2024). FL09: L25 suggested that this star might be a cluster member based on its radial velocity (Gaia Collaboration 2023) and location in the CMD, but they acknowledged that the proper motion differed from the mean value for the cluster. Nevertheless, they recommended that it be included in this catalogue so that it might receive additional attention regarding its cluster membership. L25 obtained their magnitude, amplitude and classification listed in the above tabel are from the ASAS-SN survey (Jayasinghe et al. 2020). ======================================================================== Discovery of the variable stars in NGC6624: V1-4 = V1, V2, V11 and V14 of Fourcade et al. (1966) with x,y coordinates and an ID chart Fourcade et al. announced 33 variables, but only 4 of them were considered to be cluster members. Sawyer Hogg (1973) assigned the numbers V3 and V4 to FL #11 and #14. V5: Liller & Liller (1976) with an ID chart for V1-5 FL09: This was one of the 33 variables in NGC 6624 announced by Fourcade et al. (1966), but because of its large angular offset from the cluster centre, it was not included in Sawyer Hogg's (1973) catalogue. L25 derived its RA and dec (J2000) by matching the stars in Fourcade's charts with modern digital images. FL09 is now listed in this catalogue because L25 proposed that its membership status should be revisited in view of developments in the study of globular cluster structure since 1973 when Sawyer Hogg published her catalogue. The Fourcade catalogue is not available in many libraries and has not been digitized. As a result, many of the stars listed in their catalogue will soon become lost to the literature on globular cluster variable stars. Because of this, L25 also listed the RA, dec (J2000) and Gaia ID for the remaining "Fourcade" variables in their paper. PSR: According to Paulo Freire's website at the Max Planck Institute in Bonn (July 2024 version), NGC 6624 has 11 millisecond pulsars and one long period pulsar (P=2.497 sec) which might not be associated with the cluster. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A possible quiescent cataclysmic variable (or LMXB) was announced by Deutsch et al. (1999). Dalessandro et al. (2014) followed up on this system with HST observations and identified a star that appeared to be the optical counterpart of the X-ray source Star 1. They called it COM_Star1. It exhibited sinusoidal variations with an amplitude of ~0.7 mag in F435W and an orbital period of ~98 minutes. However, they could not make a definitive conclusion on the nature of the system: whether it was a CV or LMXB. ========================================================================= References Dalessandro, E., Pallanca, C., Ferraro, F. R., Lanzoni, B., Castiglione, C., Vignali, C., Fiorentino, G. 2014, ApJ, 784, L29 Deutsch, E. W., Margon, B., Anderson, S. F., Downes, R. A. 1999, AJ, 118, 2888 Fourcade, C. R., Laborde, J. R., Albarracin, J. 1966, Atlas y Catalogue de Estrellas Variables en Cumulos Globulares al sur de -29 degrees, Cordoba Gaia Collaboration: Vallenari, A., Brown, A. G. A. et al. 2023, A&A, 674, A1 Harris, W. E. 1996, AJ, 112, 1487 Heasley, J. N., Janes, K. A., Zinn, R., Demarque, P., Da Costa, G. S., Christian, C. A. 2000, AJ, 120, 879 Iwanek, P., Soszynski, I., Kozlowski, S., Poleski, R., Pietrukoowicz, P., Skowron, J., Wrona, M. and 8 coauthors, 2022, ApJS, 260, 461 Jayasinghe, T., Stanek, K. Z., Kochanek, C. S., Shappee, B. J., Holoien, T. EW.-S., Thompson, T. A., Prieto, J. L. and 9 coauthors, 2020, MNRAS, 491, 13 Layden, A. C., Revangelista, J., Gupta, S., Mittameda, M., Mulloy, E., Muslim, S. I., Olushola-Alao, T., Rishi, A. 2025, Astron. Nachr., 346, Issue 2 Liller, M. H. & Carney, B. W. 1978, ApJ, 224, 383 Liller, M. H. & Liller, W. 1976, ApJ, 207, L109 Prudil Z., Arellano Ferro, A. 2024, MNRAS, 534, 3654 Samus, N. N., Kazarovets, E. V., Pastukhova, E. N., Tsvetkova, T. M., Durlevich, O. V. 2009, PASP, 121, 1378 Sawyer Hogg, H. 1973, Publ. DDO, 3, No. 6 =====================================================================