NGC 6304 / C1711-294
RA: 17:14:32.25  DEC: -29:27:43.3  (J2000)

(Most recent updates: 
Membership probability flag - 2024; Remaining data - February 2025)
Bytes  Format      Explanation
1-8      A8        Star ID
10-32  A11,1x,A11  Position
34-35    A2        Membership probability flag based on data published
                   by Prudil & Arellano Ferro (2024)
                    m1: prob >=0.85;  m2: prob >=0.7 and <0.85;
                    m3: prob >= 0.5 and <0.7; f: prob <0.5
                    u:  no data available
37-44   F8.4       Period  (days)
46-51   F6.3       Mean magnitude (or maximum magnitude if "max" 
                      is indicated in the remarks column)
53-57   F5.3       Light amplitude (range of variability)
59      A1         Colour for mean magnitude and amplitude
                    e.g.  B, V, R, I, J, K
                    or P (for photographic).
61-65   A5         Type of variable (draft 2006 GCVS classifications)
                      CST denotes non variable stars previously designated
                      as variables
67-80   A19        Notes and Remarks  (f denotes field star)
 "--" or "----" indicates no data available
ID       Position               Mem   Period <mag>  ampl  C Type  Notes/
         RA          Dec        Flag                              Remarks
1        17:14:40.47 -29:29:34.3 f    0.4722 15.846 0.820 I RR0   Og
2        17:14:18.69 -29:24:58.6 f    0.3989 15.533 0.865 I RR0   Og 
3        17:14:47.57 -29:26:33.5 f    0.8555 15.392 0.487 I RR0   Og
4        17:14:11.58 -29:30:32.1 u    0.8123 14.904 0.376 I AC    Note;Og
5        17:14:49.51 -29:27:40.9 f    0.4260 15.094 0.460 I E     max
6        17:14:56.40 -29:30:38.8 u  ----     --     --      CST   H81
7        17:14:33.35 -29:32:28.0 f    0.5758 15.981 0.444 I RR0   Og 
8        17:15:09.74 -29:26:30.5 u    0.6455 15.617 0.643 I RR0   Og
9        17:15:16.91 -29:23:23.7 u    0.3487 15.882 0.359 I RR1   Og
10       17:13:47.25 -29:32:18.9 u    0.6823 15.543 0.611 I RR0   Og 
11       17:14:14.97 -29:36:53.9 u  264.75   15.80  1.02  V SR    ASAS-SN
12       17:14:19.26 -29:19:42.2 u  285.0156 14.59  0.35  V SR    ASAS-SN
13       17:14:20.61 -29:23:41.3 m1 ----     --     --      CST   H81
14       17:14:23.14 -29:36:41.7 u  ----     16.4   1.2   B SR:   H81
15       17:14:33.23 -29:25:48.4 m1 ----     --     --      CST?  H81
16       17:14:41.79 -29:25:37.4 f  ----     14.35  2.32  V M:    ASAS-SN 
17       17:14:58.27 -29:30:42.7 u  302.8    12.196 2.573 I M     Og
18       17:15:09.51 -29:27:36.1 u  139.49   11.815 2.307 I M     Og
19       17:14:44.62 -29:35:45.4 u  487.4    13.065 3.697 I M     Og
20       17:14:46.71 -29:36:45.5 u  152.02   13.097 0.218 I SR    Og
21       17:15:10.19 -29:26:18.0 u  403.50   15.452 2.796 I M     Og
22       17:14:37.67 -29:27:31.1 f    0.3380 15.197 0.207 I RR1   Og
23       17:14:27.33 -29:27:40.2 f    0.3940 15.642 0.118 I RR1   Og
24       17:14:48.89 -29:32:00.7 u    0.3698 15.417 0.244 I RR1   Og
Supplementary Notes 

The cluster NGC 6304 is a metal rich cluster located in a rich field 
in the galactic bulge.

The first investigations of variable stars were by Rosino (1962) and
Terzan (1966, 1968). Although both authors announced the discovery of
variables, neither of them derived any periods.

A later study of the variables in NGC 6304 and the surrounding
field was by Hartwick et al. (1981).  They derived periods for 40 
RR Lyrae stars in their field and identified a number of other suspected
variables, many of which they classified as long period variables. 
It is generally assumed that most of the variables belong to the field
around NGC 6304 and not to the cluster itself.
Since then, some of the variables have been recovered in other surveys
and the new results have been included in the above table.

The RA and dec are from Samus et al. (2009) who pointed out that all of
these variables have been assigned numbers in the Moscow General
Catalogue of Variable Stars as follows:  V2167, V2161, V2171 Oph, 
NSV 21164, V2173 Oph, NSV 21193, V2166, V2177, V2181, V2155, V2159, 
V2160 Oph, NSV 08349, V2163 Oph, NSV 08361, V2169 Oph, NSV 08377, 
V2180 Oph, NSV 08367, NSV 08369, NSV 08385.

The source for the remaining data is indicated in the Notes/Remarks
column where:
  H81 refers to Hartwick et al. (1981)
  Og refers to the OGLE survey 
     RR Lyrae - Soszynski et al (2019)
     E - eclipsing - Soszynski et al. (2016)
     AC - anomalous Cepheid - Soszynski et al. (2020)
     SR -  Soszynski et al. (2013)
     M - Mira - Iwanek et al. (2022)
  ASAS-SN - the All-Sky Survey for Supernovae ( Jayasinghe et al. 2108)

All of the data are from from the OGLE Bulge RR Lyrae investigation
(Soszynski et al. 2019).

Notes on individual stars

V4:  De Lee et al. (2006) concluded that this might be a cluster member
     and suggested that it might be an anomalous Cepheid because its 
     light curve does not have the characteristic shape expected for 
     an RR Lyrae with such a long period. 
     It was initially listed as OGLE-BLG-RRLYR-00225 and classified as 
     RR0 by Soszynski et al.  (2014).  
     However, in a later paper, Soszynski et al. (2020) listed it as
     OGLE-GAL-ACEP-082, (10), an anomalous first-overtone Cepheid and
     noted in their remarks that the star was previously listed as 
     OGLE-BLG-RRLYR-00225.  Unfortunately, no data for this star was 
     included in their table for anomalous Cepheids (file acep.dat). 
     Therefore, the period, magnitude and amplitude data listed above 
     are from the 2014 paper. 
     Prudil & Arellano Ferro (2024) did not list a membership flag for

Discovery of the variable stars in NGC 6304:

    Rosino (1962) with x,y coordinates and an ID chart

    They are also listed in the Moscow GCVS as

    Some of these variables are also in the OGLE Galactic Bulge
    catalogue of RR Lyrae variables (Sosyzynski et al. 2014, 2019).   
    V1, 2, 3, 4*, 7, 8, 9, 10 are OGLE-BLG-RRLYR 00247, 00232, 00253, 
    00225, 00242, 16908, 16916 and 00201 respectively.
    V4* was classified as an RR Lyrae variable in the 2014 paper, but
    it was not included in the 2019 paper. It was subseqently classified 
    as an anomalous Cepheid and renamed OGLE-GAL-ACEP-82.

    V5 is in the OGLE Galactic Bulge catalogue of eclipsing and 
    ellipsoidal binaries (Sosyzynski et al. 2016).   
    V5 is OGLE-BLG-ECL-002939 

    V11 is J171415.00-293654 in the ASAS-SN survey (Jayasinghe et al.

  V12-18 = #28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 40, 43
    Terzan (1966)  with an ID chart
    The numbers V12-18 were assigned by Sawyer Hogg (1973) in her 3rd
    catalogue. Terzan announced 58 (V1-58) variables in his paper, but
    Sawyer Hogg assigned numbers only to the ones that were located
    within approximately 15 arcminutes of the cluster centre. The 2010
    revision of the Harris (1996) catalogue inidcates a tidal radius of 
    13.25 arcminutes for NGC 6304.  

    V12 and V16 are J171419.31-291942.6 and J171441.88-292537.3
    in the ASAS-SN survey (Jayasinghe et al.  2018) 

    V17 and V18 are OGLE-BLG-LPV-235217 and -235256

    Layden et al. (2025) published RA, dec (J2000) and Gaia ID numbers 
    for four of the other variables announced by Terzan (1966): #45, 
    #47, #49 and #50.  

  V19-21 = #68, 69, 72 = OGLE-BLG-LPV-001373, -001391, and -235260
    Terzan (1968) with an ID chart
    The numbers V19-21 were assigned by Sawyer Hogg (1973) in her 3rd
    catalogue. Terzan announced 25 new variables (V59-83) in his paper,
    but Sawyer Hogg assigned numbers only to the ones within 15
    arcminutes of the cluster centre.

   V22-23  = #1247 & #4209, suspected variables
      Hesser & Hartwick (1976) with ID chart
      Their variability was later confirmed by De Lee et al. (2006).

      Both stars were included in the OGLE III catalogue of RR Lyrae
      variables as OGLE-BLG-RRLYR 00246 and 00237 respectively
      (Sosyzynski et al. 2011).
      The numbers V22 and V23 were assigned in this on-line 

   V24 = NV1
      De Lee et al. (2006) with no ID or coordinates
      However, based on the period they derived, this star appears to 
      be OGLE-BLG-RRLYR-00255 (Sosyzynski et al. 2011). 
      The number V24 was assigned in this on-line catalogue.

      De Lee et al. included a few other 'new' RR Lyrae variables in 
      their investigation, but they did not consider any of them
      to be possible cluster members.  Therefore they are not listed 
      in the above table.  These stars were listed as HBH67, Va46, NV2 
      which are the same stars as OGLE-BLG-RRLYR-00256,-00251 and -00238 
      respectively (Sosyzynski et al. 2011).


de Lee, N., Catelan, M., Layden, A., Pritzl, B., Smith, H., Sweigart,
A., Welch, D. 2006, Mem SAI, 77, 117

Harris, W. E. 1996, AJ, 112, 1487

Hartwck, F. D. A., Barlow, D. J., Hesser, J. E. 1981, AJ, 86, 1044

Hesser, J. E.  & Hartwick, F. D. A. 1976,  ApJ, 203, 113 

Iwanek, P., Soszynski, I., Kozlowski, S., Poleski, R., Pietrukoowicz,
P., Skowron, J., Wrona, M. and 8 coauthors, 2022, ApJS, 260, 461

Jayasinghe, T., Kochanek, C. S., Stanek, K. Z., Shappee, B. J., Holoien,
T. W.-S., Thompson, T. A., Prieto, J. L. and 7 coauthors, 2018, MNRAS,
477, 3145

Layden, A. C., Revangelista, J., Gupta, S., Mittameda, M., Mulloy, E.,
Muslim, S. I., Olushola-Alao, T., Rishi, A. 2025, Astron. Nachr., 346, 
Issue 2

Prudil Z., Arellano Ferro, A. 2024, MNRAS, 534, 3654

Rosino, L. 1962, Mem SAI, 33, 351 = Asiago-Padova Cont. 132

Samus, N. N., Kazarovets, E. V., Pastukhova, E. N., Tsvetkova, T. M.,
Durlevich, O. V. 2009, PASP, 121, 1378

Sawyer Hogg, H. 1973,  Publ. DDO, 3, No.  6

Soszynski, I., Dziembowski, W. A., Udalski, A., Poleski, R., Szymanski,
M. K., Kubiak, M., Pietrzynski, G., Wyrzkowski, L., Ulaczyk, K.,
Kozlowski, S., Pietrukowicz, P. 2011, AcA, 61, 1

Soszynski, I., Pawlak, M., Pietrukowicz, P.  Udalski, A., Szymanski,
M. K., Wyrzkowski, L., Ulaczyk, K and 6 coauthors, 2016, AcA, 66, 405

Soszynski, I., Udalski, A., Szymanski, M. K., Kubiak, M.,  Pietrzynski,
G., Wyrzykowski, L., Ulaczyk, K. and 4 coauthors, 2013, AcA, 63, 21

Soszynski, I., Udalski, A., Szymanski, M. K., Pietrukowicz, P. Z., 
Skowron, J., Skowron, D. M., Poleski, R. and 7 coauthors, 2020, AcA, 70, 101

Soszynski, I., Udalski, A., Szymanski, M. K., Pietrukowicz, P.,
Mroz, P., Skowron, J., Kozlowski, S. and 6 coauthors, 2014, AcA, 64, 177

Soszynski, I., Udalski, A., Wrona, M., Szymanski, M. K., Pietrukowicz, P.,
Skowron, J., Skowron, D. and 7 coauthors,  2019, AcA, 69, 321 

Terzan, A. 1966, POHP, 9, 1

Terzan, A. 1968, POHP, 9, 24