NGC 5927 / C1524-505 RA: 15:28:00.69 DEC: -50:40:22.9 (J2000) (Most recent updates: Membership probability flag - 2024; Remaining data - January 2025) ============================================================ Bytes Format Explanation 1-8 A8 Star ID 10-32 A11,1x,A11 Position 34-35 A2 Membership probability flag based on data published by Prudil & Arellano Ferro (2024) m1: prob >=0.85; m2: prob >=0.7 and <0.85; m3: prob >= 0.5 and <0.7; f: prob <0.5 u: no data available 37-44 F8.4 Period (days) 46-51 F6.3 Mean magnitude (or maximum magnitude if "max" is indicated in the remarks column) 53-57 F5.3 Light amplitude (range of variability) 59 A1 Colour for mean magnitude and amplitude e.g. B, V, R, I, J, K or P (for photographic). 61-65 A5 Type of variable (draft 2006 GCVS classifications) CST denotes non variable stars previously designated as variables 67-80 A19 Notes and Remarks (f denotes field star) "--" or "----" indicates no data available ========================================================================= ID Position Mem Period ampl C Type Notes/ RA Dec Flag Remarks ========================================================================= 1 15:28:15.17 -50:38:09.3 m1 ---- 15.3 0.6 V Lb 2 15:27:56.16 -50:40:34.4 m1 ---- 15.2 0.6 V Lb 3 15:28:00.13 -50:40:24.6 m2 312.0 -- -- M 4 15:28:06.97 -50:41:22.2 m1 67.0 15.2 1.0 V Lb 5 15:27:56.56 -50:39:00.5 m1 ---- 14.95 0.5 V Lb 6 15:27:57.13 -50:38:48.2 m1 ---- 15.1 0.6 V Lb 7 15:28:02.81 -50:40:47.7 m1 70.0 15.3 0.6 V Lb 8 15:28:05.38 -50:38:50.0 m1 70.0 15.4 0.8 V Lb 9 15:28:01.72 -50:42:27.2 m1 85.0 15.75 0.9 V Lb 10 15:28:04.69 -50:39:55.4 m1 ---- 15.1 0.4 V Lb 11 15:27:44.92 -50:42:10.7 f ---- 15.1 0.4 V Lb FL01 15:27:48.93 -50:53:23.0 u 367.0 12.90 2.28 V M mem? FL07 15:28:00.78 -50:47:08.1 m1 242.0 15.75 2.46 V M mem FL08 15:28:02.37 -50:49:54.9 f 74.4 15.08 0.34 V SR mem FL11 15:26:33.10 -50:40:28.9 u 174.0 16.07 2.11 V M mem? FL13 15:28:24.27 -50:20:17.9 u 258.0 12.91 2.17 V M mem? ===================================================================== Supplementary Notes V1-11: The RA and dec are from Samus et al. (2009). All of the remaining data are from Lloyd Evans & Menzies (1977). Lloyd Evans & Menzies also listed magnitudes and colours for two additional red variables that were probable non-members. FL01, FL07, FL08, FL11, FL13: All of the data are from Layden et al. (2025, hereafter L25). The periods, magnitudes, amplitudes and classifications listed are the values L25 obtained from the ASAS-SN data base (Jayasinghe et al. 2020) The comments on membership status in the Notes column are based on L25's analysis of Gaia DR3 proper motions and radial velocities (Gaia Collaboration 2023). The membership flags in columns 34-35 were derived from membership probabilities published by Vasiliev & Baumgardt (2021). ======================================================================== Notes on individual stars FL08: Vasilev & Baumgardt (2021) listed a 0% membership probability for this star. However, L25 did not agree with this conclusion. Their analysis of Gaia DR3 radial velocity and CMD location led them to believe that FL08 is a likely member. ======================================================================== Discovery of the variable stars in NGC 5927: V1&2 = Fourcade #4 and #14 Fourcade et al. (1966) announced 15 variables in the field of NGC 5927 and published x,y coordinates and an ID chart. Sawyer Hogg (1973) designated Fourcade's V4 and V14 as V1 and V2 in her 3rd catalogue. V3 Osborn (1968) with x,y coordinates and an ID chart The number V3 was assigned by Sawyer Hogg (1973) in her 3rd catalogue. V4-11 = V3, V6, V7, V8, V9, V10, L43, L17 of Lloyd Evans & Menzies (1973), but no identification was provided by these authors. After consultation with Lloyd Evans and Menzies, Sawyer Hogg (1973) assigned the numbers V4-11 in her 3rd catalogue and Menzies (1974) labelled them, along with V1 and V2, on an ID chart (see Plate II of his paper). FL01, FL07, FL08, FL11, FL13 These variables were among the 15 variables in NGC 5927 announced by Fourcade et al. (1966), but because of their large angular offset from the cluster centre, they were not included in Sawyer Hogg's (1973) catalogue. However, they have now been listed because L25 proposed that their membership status should be revisited in view of developments in the study of globular cluster structure since 1973 when Sawyer Hogg published her catalogue. L25 derived their RA and dec (J2000) by matching the stars in Fourcade's charts with modern digital images. They also listed their Gaia Source IDs. The Fourcade catalogue is not available in many libraries and has not been digitized. As a result, many of the stars listed in their catalogue will soon become lost to the literature on globular cluster variable stars. For this reason, L25 also listed RA, dec and Gaia IDs for FL02, FL03, FL05, FL06, FL09, FL10, FL12 and FL15 in their paper. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Liller (1983) conducted a search for RR Lyrae variables in NGC 5927, but did not discover any. The absence of RR Lyrae variables is not surprising because the cluster CMD has a stubby red HB that does not extend into the instability strip. ======================================================================== References Fourcade, C. R., Laborde, J. R., Albarracin, J. 1966, Atlas y Catalogue de Estrellas Variables en Cumulos Globulares al sur de -29 degrees, Cordoba Gaia Collaboration: Vallenari, A., Brown, A. G. A. et al. 2023, A&A, 674, A1 Jayasinghe, T., Stanek, K. Z., Kochanek, C. S., Shappee, B. J., Holoien, T. EW.-S., Thompson, T. A., Prieto, J. L. and 9 coauthors, 2020, MNRAS, 491, 13 Layden, A. C., Revangelista, J., Gupta, S., Mittameda, M., Mulloy, E., Muslim, S. I., Olushola-Alao, T., Rishi, A. 2025, Astron. Nachr., 346, Issue 2 Liller, M. 1983, AJ, 88, 404 Lloyd Evans T. & Menzies, J. 1973, IAU Colloq. No. 21, Variable Stars in Globular Clusters and in Related Systems, 151` Lloyd Evans T. & Menzies, J. 1977, MNRAS, 178, 163 Menzies, J. 1974, MNRAS, 169, 79 Osborn, W. 1968, Obs 88, 26 Prudil Z., Arellano Ferro, A. 2024, MNRAS, 534, 3654 Sawyer Hogg, H. 1973, Publ. DDO, 3, No.6 Vasiliev, E., Baumgardt, H. 2021, MNRAS, 505, 5978 ======================================================================