September 17, 2014 Minutes
HELD ON SEPTEMBER 17, 2014, 12:00P.M. – 1:00P.M., CONFERENCE ROOM AB101-H
Minutes respectfully submitted by Alice Chow, Recording Secretary
ATTENDANCE: A. Choi, A. Chow, R. Gagne, D.S. Moon, G. Patel, M. Williams, and C. Weidner
ABSENT: S. Wright and H. Zhao with regrets
- Approval of Agenda:
- Approval of Minutes of Meeting February 5, 2014: As a follow up of item 3, legislation: A. Choi reported that the HR Office has sent out messages to request every employee to complete the online training on basic occupational health & safety awareness. She added that the department has sent out reminders to remind staff to complete the training before the deadline. Staff would receive an email confirmation upon completion of the training. A. Choi has reminded staff to keep the email confirmation for record purpose. For item 4, A. Choi reported that H. Zhao has sent out an email reminder to all staff regarding the hazardous of hutches.
- Report from Joint Health and Safety Committee (South) (M. Williams): William reported that the JHSC would be held the day after the HSC meeting and therefore there was no update.
- Inspection Report, Plan and Assignment (A. Choi, M. Williams, G. Patel): Choi thanked C. Weidner for sending the inspection checklist and templates. A. Choi recalled that M. William has proposed at the last HSC meeting that the building would be divided into 6 parts and each part would be inspected twice a year. M. William reported that inspections have been conducted in the basement of AB and MP floors, including the dome. He added that the first floor of AB would be inspected in October 2014. C. Weidner requested M. William to send her a copy of the inspection result for record. C. Weidner reported that the Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHS) has tried to contact R. Abraham regarding the laser facilities inside his lab but failed. A. Choi informed C. Weidner that R. Abraham was on sabbatical and D.S. Moon added that R. Abraham was not using laser anymore. C. Weidner also asked if staff like S. Wright were included in his permit as S. Wright and her team members were using AB60 as well.
- Training and Certification (A. Choi): Choi reported that N. Denman, M. William and H. Zhao have completed the first aid courses and information has been updated on the DAA website.
- Other Business: Choi reported that L. Lanca has updated the key list on wiki as per S. Wright’s request at the last HSC meeting. She also reported on behalf of H. Zhao that faceshields for CPR has been purchased and stored in the first aid stations.
M. William raised the concern regarding the safety of public tour and sidewalk observing. For the sidewalk observing, he said there were risks that people may damage their eyes if there were safety issues. In this connection, the telescope mounts have been changed and one person has been designated as the safety person to check all the safety matters during the sidewalk observing. For the public tour, M. William reported that the balcony surface was very uneven and he was looking for ways to resolve the problem. One way was to string the pathway. A. Choi suggested M. William to contact the property manager to look for long-term ways to resolve this issue.
A. Choi said staff in the admin office has reported that a man who suspected having a mental illness visited the office and called in several times. She reminded staff to be cautious when seeing him again. A. Choi reported that the front office staff has notified the Campus Police. C. Weidner recommended to report to HR to file the incident as this was perceived as harassments and let HR to decide if investigation was necessary and provide advice.
C. Weidner circulated the latest EHS newsletter and highlighted the machine safety guidelines as well as the health and safety training. She also circulated the Bucket List with regard to the disposal of hazardous waste. A. Choi suggested that the new machine guidelines should be posted on the DAA website.
- Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held in February 2015.
- Meeting adjourned at 12:28 p.m.