July 24, 2012 Minutes
HELD ON JULY 24, 2012, 11:00A.M. – 12:00P.M., CONFERENCE ROOM AB101-H
Minutes respectfully submitted by Alice Chow, Recording Secretary
E. Blais, A. Choi, A. Chow, D.-S. Moon, G. Patel, S. Wright, M. Williams, H. Zhao
1. Approval of Agenda:
2. Welcome and Introduction of S. Wright, New Member of DAA/DI HSC:
H. Zhao welcomed S. Wright as a new faculty member of the committee.
3. Approval of Minutes of Meeting January 10, 2012:
Approved. As a follow up of Item 5, A. Choi reported that smoke detectors have been installed in AB Lounge and Kitchen on first floor. For the accident in High Bay, H. Zhao has checked with Physics regarding the use of safety gear in lab. According to Physics, the safety gear is not compulsory for students, but for university employees. It is suggested that HSC could recommend anyone who works in the lab to wear safety gear when there is a safety concern. H. Zhao would review the Ontario Safety Act and related documents regarding this matter and A. Choi has recommended M. Williams to purchase a pair of safety shoes. As a follow up of Item 8, H. Zhao reported that Physics got a defibrillator for free years ago. H. Zhao would contact the relevant parties for details (cost, timeline, location and training).
4. Report from FAS Joint Health and Safety Committee (South) (M. Williams):
M. Williams reported that the last meeting was held in June but there was no update.
5. Inspection Plan and Assignment (A. Choi):
A. Choi reported that an inspection for AB has been done by the inspector from Central in March 2012, and High Bay would be covered by Physics. The inspection for MP 12th, 15th and 16th floor would be conducted by M. William and G. Patel.
6. JHSC Workplace Inspection Report (H. Zhao):
A. Choi reported that an inspection has been done by the inspector in March 2012 and we have followed up on the recommendations; for example, a designated health and safety board has been setup on the first floor and the caretaker has been reminded to keep all the doors locked after office hours. A. Choi would also send an email to everyone to remind users to lock all the doors after office hours. In addition, the report pointed out that many AC units were installed high up and users need to climb up for adjustment which has potential hazard. However, no recommendation has been provided by the inspector. H. Zhao said the inspector has clarified with him afterwards that