At the present time, six awards are available to undergraduate students who attain high academic standing while taking courses in astronomy. The awards described below are normally available only to students on the St. George campus.
- 1. The Donald MacRae Scholarship in Astronomy and Astrophysics (income from the fund)
Awarded to the outstanding full-time first year student (i.e. the student with the highest annual GPA, minimum 3.5) who has completed the first year mathematics and physics courses that are required for the specialist program in Astronomy and Physics. The award will be made in the fall session of the recipient’s second year at which time he/she must be enrolled in the specialist program and in the 200-level Astronomy courses that are required for the program.
- 2. The John Pounder Scholarship in Astronomy and Astrophysics (income from the fund)
Awarded to the full-time second year student with the best grade averaged between the two courses AST 221F and AST 222S, provided that an annual GPA of at least 3.5 has been attained in the current year. To qualify for the award, the student must proceed into the third year of one of the specialist program.
- 3. The Walter Helm Scholarship in Astronomy and Astrophysics (income from the fund)
Awarded to the outstanding full-time student (i.e. the student with the highest annual GPA, minimum 3.5) completing the third year of the Astronomy and Physics specialist program. To qualify for the award, the student must have taken the appropriate 300-level courses in the current academic year, and must proceed into the fourth year of the program.
- 4. The H. S. Robertson Scholarship (income from the fund)
Awarded to a full-time student who is enrolled in the second, third or fourth year of the Astronomy and Physics specialist program. To be eligible, the recipient must be assessed by OSAP as having financial need. Academic merit will also be considered.
- 5. The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Gold Medal
Awarded by the Toronto Centre of the R.A.S.C. to a graduating full-time fourth year student who has both a sessional GPA of at least 3.5 in the fourth year and the highest average mark in the 300 and 400-level courses in astronomy which are contained in the Astronomy and Physics specialist program, provided this average is at least 80%.
- 6. Maurice and Christine Clement Scholarship in Astronomy and Astrophysics (income from the fund)
Awarded to a graduating student in the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics on the basis of academic merit in the graduating year. The student is to have a sessional GPA of at least 3.5 and the highest average mark in the 300 and 400-level courses in astronomy which are contained in the Astronomy & Physics Specialist program, provided this average is at least 80%.
- 7. The Tamae Fukunaga Scholarship in Astronomy and Astrophysics (income from the fund)
The Tamae Fukunaga Scholarship has been established by Margaret Fukunaga in memory of her mother who believed that
a higher education would enable people to have a better life. This award will be given out on the basis of demonstrated financial need and academic merit to a 3rd or 4th year student. Applicants should write a letter to the selection committee (email info@astro.utoronto.ca) stating their goals for the future and the reasons for financial need at this time. The deadline for the 2024 academic year will be January 15th, 2025 and the award will be given out at the end of January, 2025.