Research Project
Over the course of the 16-week schedule, students will independently conduct their own research projects related to research being done at U of T in areas such as star formation, dark matter, the evolution of galaxies, the early Universe, astronomical instrumentation, and more.
Students will work with an astronomer from the Dunlap Institute, DAA or CITA, based on the student’s interest in a specific project or their interest in the research being conducted at one of the three units.
Students will work with their supervisor, discuss their results in weekly meetings with other students, and conclude the program with a presentation on their research.
As part of the program, students have the opportunity to take part in a computing course and a course designed to enhance their research skills.
Improve research writing and communication skills
Students will participate in a variety of activities including:
- Journal article discussions
- Abstract reading/writing workshop
- Presentation workshop
Learn about research being conducted at the U of T
Students will attend weekly departmental lectures, presented by post-doctoral fellows and faculty from the Dunlap Institute, DAA and CITA, and will also have the opportunity to attend other weekly colloquia and talks.
Participate in U of T public outreach activities
The astronomy & astrophysics group at the U of T is very active in public outreach and in the past has organized the Transit of Venus at Varsity Stadium and the 2013 Toronto Science Festival. Ongoing activities during SURP will include sidewalk astronomy, public talks, telescope observing, planetarium shows, Science Rendezvous, Astronomy on Tap T.O. and more. SURP students will have an opportunity to participate in these initiatives.

Former SURP student Katie Harris tests a digital micro-mirror device as part of the development of a Multi-Object Spectrograph prototype.