AST 1410H Stars
Course Synopsis
Stellar astrophyiscs – the success story of 20th century astronomy — requires a synthesis of most of basic physics (thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, and nuclear physics). It underlies nearly all of astronomy, from reionisation to galaxy evolution, from interstellar matter to planets, and from supernovae and planetary nebulae to white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes.
In this course, we will review these successes (roughly first four weeks) and then discuss current topics and remaining puzzles (in four two-week series, detailed content depending on interest).
Underlying Physics
- Master equations; equilibria; timescales; mass-radius and mass-luminosity relations; Hertzbrung-Russell diagram, common threads in stellar evolution, features in stellar evolution.
- Equation of state: fermions and bosons; pressure and energy density; ideal gas; (completely and partially) degenerate gas; radiation pressure; Boltzman distribution; Saha equation.
- Heat loss: radiative diffusion; conduction; opacity sources; Schwarzschild and Ledoux criteria; mixing length theory; convective flux; stellar context for convection; semi-convection.
- Energy production: nuclear binding energy; Coulomb barrier; reaction channels (PP, CNO, He and beyond, D/Li burning, s-/r-/p-processes); rates and neutrinos.
Stellar Evolution Themes
- Low-mass stars: Hayashi track; Li burning; (former) solar neutrino problem; pressure ionization and thermal ionization; convection zone advance; rotational evolution; shell burning; core-mass radius, luminosity relations; helium core flash; thermal flashes; RGB/AGB winds; production of intermediate-mass elements; white dwarfs.
- High-mass stars: CNO burning and core convection; Eddington luminosity and formation/mass loss of high mass stars; nucleosynthetic yield of high mass stars; rotational evolution; feedback to the galaxy; electron-capture, core collapse and pair instability SNe; Pop III stars; neutron stars, black holes.
- Binary evolution: frequency of binarity; tidal synchronization and circularization; Roche lobe overflow; conservative and non-conservative mass transfer; common-envelope evolution; mergers; blue and red stragglers.
- Nucleosynthesis: production of the elements; explosive nucleosynthesis; r and s process; core-collapse supernovae; thermonuclear supernovae; various dredge-ups; thermal pulses.